Monday, 29 April 2013


Yes.  But what kind of pain?  Physical?  Emotional?  Relational?  Spiritual?

I have stage #4 endometriosis.  Pain is part of my daily life, physically speaking.  I can't remember the last day I didn't take pain medication.  But that's okay with me.  I will not pity party, or at least not for long, I will choose to stop the mental "woe is me".  I refuse.  I will accept my diagnosis, I will educate myself about my reality.  But, more than that; I will hold onto HOPE.

What is an anchor of HOPE to hold to?  Well..... people disappoint, move, and fail, stuff breaks, or a newer better one comes along, bodies break and hurt, and get sick, entertainment fizzles, and disappoints, substances run out, or loose their effect and you go looking for the next big thing, money and fame only feed a desire for more which still leave you empty.....  Encouraged yet?  Aaarrrrggg.....  Sad, but true.  This is not a new phenomenon, Solomon tells us all about this in Ecclesiastes.

But even though this world offers absolutely nil as far as security goes, that is a good thing.  It is designed that way by and intentional God.  He designed the creation to be enjoyed, to serve a purpose, but not to be worshiped or to be relied on.  That role belongs to HIM alone.

Yes, I have pain, and surely you have some kind of pain in your life too.  But compared to so many around the world my pain is minimal.  My HOPE is HUGE!!!!  I know the God of the universe, I know His soul deep HOPE, and pain or not I will sink my anchor into Him, a security nothing else offers.

"....have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us.  We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope...." Hebrews 6:18b, 19a, see whole chapter here

I need to look to the One who is not bound by time, sees the bigger picture, has the Master plans.  But how? I mean step that out for me.... Well, 1. Pray. 2. Read His truth. 3. Repeat, often.  Overly simple? Yep.  But I need simple.  I just need to do it, over and over and over.  The wealth and riches, and knowledge of knowing God never gets old, or boring for a true follower of Christ. I will never fully understand God and His ways, and that is kinda the point.  I need the One that gets me inside and out and backwards, and I need to understand His place, and mine, and then just accept that and tell others too.

I don't know where my medical health is going to take this body of mine.  I know what the books say, what the doctors' can predict.  That's okay, because they could be wrong.  And I know for certain that God's in control, has a really rockin' plan, and heaven is for 100% sure where I am going.  So, one foot in front of the other, with an anchor steadfast in the Lord; I will be here today.  Uncertain, but certain.  Resolved to be His; whatever He chooses for me.  I'm actually stoked to find out what that is.   One day at a time.    

Thursday, 25 April 2013

To Prank or Not to Prank? That is the Question

And a doozy of a question at that.  I must admit I am naturally playful, seek adventure, and enjoy a good practical joke.  The operative word there being "good".  At home we often joked around, and I have had the amusing pleasure of growing up around many very skilled, often over-qualified pranksters at the Masters degree level.  Let me tell you..... Way too much fun.  So, due to that upbringing and exposure (not blaming my life experience... just giving you some factors of influence) my mind gravitates to the hilarious, and I can conjure up funny at the drop of a hat.  That's cool, right?  Well.... it depends.  Funny has to be careful, and considerate.  Everyone else has their own terms of reference when it comes to sense of humour, and joking.  These must be taken into consideration when a prank is plotted.

I've been mulling over in my mind Titus 2 a lot lately.  What a rich passage for the church.  The church being the people of God, I represent Him as part of His church 24/7/365.  That title never takes a break.  And though that may seem heavy; Praise God, He never takes a break on us.  God's expectations may be high, but for our own good.  He deserves our worship and honour in all we do because He is GOD.  So, I must always be considering my lifestyle and choices.  I am privileged to belong to God's household, and want to represent my Father well.  So I should be asking myself all the time, "Am I demonstrating this truth?"

"...good character will shine through their actions, adding luster to the teaching of our Savior God."  The Message
I wonder what it was like for the disciples walking and living day to day with Christ?  Was He funny?  Reading Scripture we can't help but view the words through our own lenses of experience.  It's just how it works.  But I think there are suggestions that He used humour to teach, to make Himself approachable, and to enable those around Him to relax, be real, to learn and grow.

I have great respect for preachers and teachers that take this same approach.  My husband and I have the joy of living on a Bible School campus, and being exposed to many great men of God; I am most refreshed when they are genuine.  The ones that take time to have conversations one on one, tell personal antidotes, and simply show they are sinners learning too, are my favorite.

So, once in a while I admit I prank.... This week, the Pastor I grew up learning from was the recipient.  Oh dear, what fun.  He and I have this healthy rivalry happening. His wife and daughters have many times helped me pull off some "goodie" pranks over the years.  I am thankful that we can laugh, enjoy life together, remember hilarious moments and make many more.

 Today, our current Pastor's wife (whose husband attended school with the victim of this crime) and I set their new to them, darling dog "Lady" loose in this Pastors' class.  What a hoot!  He is so used to my antics he simply smiled, enjoyed the pets' presence, and how it wakened all the students in the class, and graciously carried on.  I'm on the alert now, wondering if payback is on the horizon.

The culprits....

Victim?  His expression right after the crime. :)
One thing I know for sure is that we are both able to take pleasure in the unpredictable, and we enjoy serving the Lord with smiles, and laughter.  Thanks to all those that have been good sports over the years, and to those who have schooled me in a very important pranking education, I think you'd be proud! :)

So, to answer the question... in my humble opinion a good prank can be a remedy to monotony... as long as it is well prescribed for the right patient, at the right time, and results in a good ol' belly laugh for all.  If you can uphold Titus 2:10b in good conscience before our good God in each step of the process, then you're good to go.    

Monday, 22 April 2013

Dye it? Diet? Die Id? Die?

Lots of possibilities when it comes to a title like that huh?  Where's she going with this one?  Well, read on.... I'll tie 'em all together.... Let's being with the dyeing. 

I added some highlights to my hair last week, and I like the results.  Kinda cool, not a full dye, just a little bit of sprucing it up, for fun.  Went to church yesterday, and in Sunday School we've been learning about God's attributes, and our Pastor used this verse to illustrate the vast knowledge God has of us;

"But even the hairs of your head are all numbered."  Matthew 10:29

God knows.  Even when a fist full ends up in the drain.  He knows my natural colour, He knows Me more intimately than I know myself.  What comfort, what security.  Amazing GOD.

I'm also working a little harder on the diet and exercise these days.  Taking in a little more fruits and veggies, and with the warmer weather it inspires getting out, enjoying movement, and having fun.  :)  This weekend I enjoyed making memories and getting out with some friends while Nate had to work, it was a blessing.  Here's a few snapshots....

These are good things, and meant to be enjoyed.  Nothing like the thrill of hopping high on the trampoline, or the fun of diving deep.  We barbequed at home this weekend too.... Aaahhh, enjoying a good meal.   The smells, tastes, textures of food, and off the BBQ to boot?  I'm in.  God talks about these too.....

"This also, I saw, is from the hand of God,  for apart from Him who can eat or who can have enjoyment?"  Ecclesiastes 2:25

Okay, hair dye, physical diet.... you follow me?  What's "Die Id?" about then?  Well, "id" is a psychology term.  Psychology looks at people through a certain lenses/framework of thinking, and then attempts to help people solve issues and deal with life.  I don't agree with this approach.  I prescribe that "id" dies.  Psychology is not God's framework for seeing people or offering change for them.  Instead, we need God.  He knows best, and His ways are sooo much superior.  In Him I find joy in my soul, peace through struggles, and hope to continue.  On Pinterest, I found this sweet graphic art of a verse I cling to.  

 The book of Job is so encouraging, he lost all his earthly goods, and suffered through great loss.  Yet, he knew God was there.  Sure, he questioned; don't we all?  I know no matter what twists and turns or heartaches come....  God is sovereign; and in this I rest.

The last "Die" in the title refers to dying to my way, and living life God's way.

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me."  Galatians 2:20

So go ahead, dye it, and diet, your way.... Live and enjoy.  But be sure you consider where God belongs in your life, in your everyday.  Please don't swallow up lies about "id", or any other deceptive beliefs, they are flawed, and dangerous.  God knows best.  He calls us to die, but in the very best way possible.  Die to ourselves, our sin, and come to new life in Him.  The life He offers is truly living, a forever freedom.  Seek Him.  Know Him.  He is what we need above all else.      

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Spring time Pedis?

In this little corner of the world it's Spring!!!  :)  Melting snow, green grass, flip flops and sunshine beg for barefooted freedom.  Aaahhh!!!  So sweet!  Time to polish those toes in anticipation of the textures of sand, water, and more.

This week at the library I loaned out a pedometer.  I haven't yet used it, but with good intentions I plan to.  You know how it is....  You gotta start somewhere.  One step at a time, that's how progress is made.

"So, what's with the feet theme?" you wonder.  Well, actually; verse started this thought train.....
How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!” Romans 10:15b

 In context Paul in this Chapter is working through practically how the gospel message reaches people.  They need someone to tell them, plain and simple. 

From my perspective and experience, people could care less what you say until you show them you care.  I mean our worlds and lives are full of voices, schedules, demands, and preferences.... Why is the gospel important?  Why should people want it?  How is it really different from all the rest of the ploys grabbing for the attention of someone's time?  I suggest we show them the difference.... by genuinely loving.  
 So, these beautiful feet that Romans 10:15b are talking about..... Who comes to your mind when you think of "beautiful feet" that share Christ?  Are their feet beautiful to look at?  Does it matter?  I think of a number of precious believers that have set an example; and showed me by doing what this really looks like.  I think of people that are; humble, genuine, generous, compassionate, good-listeners, down to earth, not over-analytical, but just honest to goodness faithfully determined to be devoted to their God, weather anyone else ever knows it or not.  I think of old, calloused, and mature feet who have trod many roads and it shows....   I think of young, vibrant feet ready to forge new ground, impetuous, and care free.

The colour tone of the skin, the gender of the person, the country, the year..... it all is irrelevant.... all believers of all generations can have beautiful feet.  

 So, do I?  Well.... What's the verse say characterizes beautiful feet? 

 How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!”

 Am I a person that brings good?  Not just by walking with my feet, but with my life.....  Am I showing the gospel is good?  Would others be drawn to the good news of the gospel by spending time with me?  Well, what is the gospel all about?  Love.  Grace.  Hope.  Truth.  Am I all about these things?  What does it mean to live in a way that expresses the gospel?

I'm gonna take these feet of mine, and attempt to answer some of these soul searching questions with the rest of my day by loving, listening, and whatever else comes.... attempting to share my Jesus with those around me today.  Will you? 


Sunday, 14 April 2013

little IS much.

As many of you know I've been forced/given the privilege (word choice depends on perspective/heart attitude at any given moment-which is a struggle, and choice I have to make moment by moment) of having a different routine than I have been used to for a long time.

So, I've been attempting to cherish the little things; friends, clean, fresh warm laundry right from the dryer, a good book, a safe home, a strong marriage, family, phone calls, home-cooking, the sound of laughter, seeing the world through the blog/facebook account of a friend, little adventures, nature, and so much more.

So, here's some pictures of the "little things" my hubby or I have taken that I choose to notice, be thankful for, and enjoy, along with some songs to be the soundtrack as you scroll through the images.

Sound track: "Ordinary Miracles" 

Hope you enjoyed this post, and taking time to pause and recognize the little things.  May we all be thankful for the eyes to see, the time to live and relish these blessings. 

In the soundtrack song I put at the top of this post the songwriter recognizes the "ordinary miracles", but that's where the lyrics end.  Who gets the credit?  Who is the ultimate Creator and Author?

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1
 May we take time not just to "smell the roses", but to thank God who made them, and choose to worship with hearts of gratitude and praise to Him.  What blessings, all around us.... if we choose to see.  

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Guest Post: Heavenly-Minded & Eathly Good

This blog post is written by Jon Ward ,  the Associate Dean here where we serve, our next door neighbours, and friends.  The Ward family is a blessing to us, and with their permission I share with you.   

Francis Chan in his refreshing book Crazy Love quotes a famous Christian philosopher and writer saying, 

C.S. LewisCover of C.S. Lewis

"If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were precisely those who thought most of the next. It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this." ~C.S. Lewis

So much for being so heavenly-minded that we are no earthly good.

Have you thought about eternity recently?

The reality of eternity should change our lives as the Apostle John exhorts in 1 John 3:2-3:

Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure. 

What difference has the expectation of Christ's return and the doorstep of eternity made in your life?

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Modeling-the long and short of it.....

In algebra in high school we get taught;  (x + y)3  =  x3 + 3x3y + 3xy2 + y3     
Okay.  Cool.  I thought, "Whatever....." and just got by in the class.  I am thankful for the mathematicians, but it's just not how my left brain works.  What am I getting at?  Well, previous to this post I've written on "Boys will be Boys", "Relationships", and "What makes us "us"?"...... these posts have been an accumulating thought process leading to this one, and if you have the time those posts are the left side of the algebraic equation, and this post is the right side.

What I'm trying to say is; our lives overlap as human beings.  We each effect one other; and because of that we need to be wise about what we are portraying.  This includes modesty.  Now, most of us think of modesty as women's dressing habits, and sure that's part of the concept.  But only the tip of the iceberg.  I think modesty is for both genders, at every age, and is something we learn throughout life by what we are exposed to, what we learn from it, and how we act and react because of it all..... Culture I am sure you would agree has become less and less modest, what was completely taboo 15 years ago is now embraced, not even blushed over....  This is the world we live in, we can't hide under a rock.  But, we can make informed choices and be aware of our influence as we decide, live, and interact with others.     

Here are some various forms of media that have been influencing my thought process regarding modesty; 



Interesting, huh?  Please understand my angle here.... I am not preaching at you.  I fail, I need more information, I battle my own heart when I shop, get dressed, etc.....  I am learning, growing, failing, and praying often regarding this part of my life.

God is not surprised by this at all, and it may look to us like it's worsening as time passes, but really... during the time the Bible was written these issues were very real too.  Idol worship involved sex then, and flagrantly so.  The calendar now reads 2013, but the Word of God speaks wisdom to all generations.  He tells us;

" We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren." 1 John 3:16 NASB
So, Jesus gave His very life for ours.  What LOVE.  Our lives, bodies, minds, actions, motives are able to be transformed because of that LOVE of Christ.  Awesome. What hope. We can be different, we can genuinely love God and others if we have personally received His love by faith in Christ.  So, we get to choose as both men and women..... Are we dressing, speaking, acting, and motivated by a desire to draw others into ourselves for selfish gain; or are we desiring to point others to God who loved us?

Because of His love I want to love others by being modest.  This is a very individual conviction, and will translate different to each person based on their life experience, preferences, personality, and everything else that makes up them.  I am not to judge their choices, but in my own life be modest as God has called me to.

What does that mean for me today?  What does that mean for you today? .....and every day hereafter?     

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Boys Will Be Boys

And is this a problem?  Boys will also grow to be men, girls to be women....... A friend's facebook status recently read; "My Random Reality: On the way out the door this morning, Adelaine was playing tic-tac-toe with herself, and Ethan was sitting in a chair cheering for X. "Go X! Go X!" (Troy Johnstone)

At a cellular level men and women are designed differently, you can debate it if you want to but the chromosomes still say "X" or "Y".  Male, or female.    

Here's a clip of an old school show I grew up watching, (part of the inspiration to this blog post and the title of it)..... 

God made us with genders, and He tells us there are roles for each.  This is good, this is helpful, this is wisdom. We only make knowledge wisdom when we do it.  We can know much, but it's only theory till it's lifestyle.  Like learning an instrument.  In school, music theory was such an annoyance to me.  Oh, but put the instrument in my hand, and then it's fun, right?  Well, you've got to understand the principle to make the music.  God, the Creator has given principles, and in life we are all carrying a tune.  We teach others our tune whether we acknowledge we are doing so or not.  We are exampling, teaching, leading..... just because we are living and breathing.  It's life.  So, the boys and girls and all people at any age that see, interact and get taught by us are learning by our lifestyle.

I was taught by a Pastor growing up that real JOY was accomplished by applying this acrostic in order;

                         1.   Jesus
                         2.     Others
                         3.       Yourself

So if putting others first and leaving a legacy are God's design, then what am I passing on?  2 Timothy 2 is a legacy passage to be sure, as is Titus 2.  Reading these passages there are lots of characteristics God calls us to exemplify.  I challenge you to check out these chapters, and  in your own way be intentional about germinating and nurturing these traits, and then they will pass on to others.

I am thankful for the boys, and the girls I grew up around.  In my own experience, it was more boys than girls.  I have four brothers; army reenactments, fire, pets, cars, sports, guns, injuries, sweat, 4X4's, forts, fights, snowmobiles, livestock, mud, and hospital visits were normal at our house(s) (we moved a # of times).   I did have my own pink retreat known as my room, but often times I was the thorn among the roses as they saying goes...... just as participatory, and guilty, for sure. Imagination, fun and adventure were also experienced everyday; as were sin, lessons learned, grace and forgiveness.

Okay, so there's boys and girls, men and women, and we are different, genetically, hormonally, and it's good, cause God made it that way.  So, then I think it's good to know these things, enough about what makes us each tick (gender wise) and show honor and respect to each other in the light of these truths.  This post will lead me into the next..... but that's for another day.  Today is my eldest brother's Birthday.  Happy Birthday Chris!  I love you, I am so glad we have childhood memories, and more recent ones to.  To you, and all my brothers physical by blood and to all others, by us all being human I desire to......

 "Let love of the brethren continue."  (Hebrews 13:1)

Monday, 1 April 2013


Life is about relationships.  "No man is an island."  (John Donne)  God made us that way.  Born of relationship, connected to others by blood, marriage, interests, work or the seat number given to you on a plane or at a sports event..... We are relational whether we like it or not.  If you think for a moment the number of people you actually interact with daily it may surprise you, throw in social media and the world gets really small, really fast.  Cool?  Is it?  Or is it annoying, frustrating and draining?  Well, that depends on the quality of relationships, and how you nurture them or choose not to.  This morning on a local radio station I heard a quote and put it in chalk on our "chable" (coffee table w/chalk board top) to reflect on, consider and seek to live out......

Powerful, huh?  Is reconciliation that important?  Is this just words to me?  Well..... I began to ask myself some motive questions to decide if this is a truth I desire to live;

Is there anyone I avoid?  Why?

Have I harboured bitterness against anyone?

Do I treat all people the way they ought to be? (love, respect, unbiased, non-judgmental, not seeking their approval......)

Do I seek to be sensitive about the situations/emotions of others when and how I interact with them?

 Reconciliation is a two way street.  For sure, but is my side plowed/welcoming/open/willing?  Have I sought forgiveness?  Have I forgiven?  Do I act/speak/treat/think of others in truth?  If not, why not?  BUT......  My mind can whir with reasons why I shouldn't have to....  But God has extended GRACE unmerited to me.  What right do I have to not?  If He can love, forgive, forget and restore me time and again..... He says,

" If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all." Romans 12:18 ESV
 Tall order?  He showed us how in the person of Christ.  Can we?  Yes, He promises the resources when He gives the command.  May I pray, rely on God, and seek to honour Him in all my relationships.


Along the Way backround