Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Glory Anticipation

The first draft of this article was written in our pop-up trailer while processing recovery and the effects of surgery, the pandemic, housing needs and emotions at the age of forty. I chose to not make public this article for some time, sharing it with a few trusted friends, and reading and rereading it to encourage my own faith, plodding, choosing, stepping, and living in faith with Jesus these summer months. 

This past weekend we drove through storms here in Ontario and saw the power of the living God around us. The photos added in are to supplement the words, and draw you the reader's mind to a higher perspective.

The passenger side mirror is often our angle in life isn't it? Someone else is in control, the rain drops of life on planet earth are falling, and the view we currently see seems dreary often. 

Yet, there is glory we as followers of the Lord Jesus can anticipate. 
Define the Terms:


1. (noun) def//: high renown or honor won by notable achievements. "to fight and die for the glory of one's nation" Similar: renown, fame, prestige, distinction, kudos, eminence, preeminence, acclaim, acclamation, celebrity, praise, accolades, laurels, recognition, note, notability, credit, repute, reputation, illustriousness, luster, laudation Opposite: shame, obscurity

2. magnificence or greatness."the train has been restored to all its former glory" Similar: splendor, resplendence, grandeur, majesty, greatness, impressiveness, gloriousness, pomp, stateliness, sumptuousness, opulence, beauty, elegance, brilliance, gorgeousness, splendidness. Opposite: lowliness, modesty.

glory”: (verb) 1. take great pride or pleasure in. "they were individuals who gloried in their independence"

Who is the Addressee?

Sending postal mail has been a pleasure of mine since childhood. The early morning deposits as my brothers and I walked to the end of the lane to catch the school bus. The picking up of surprises, or pass on to the parents the flyers, and responsibility bills.... Born in 1981, as a kid of that generation, the postal mail system was a beautiful communication method in my view. So; in our lives and with the glory we address others with; whom do you attribute glory? For what? Why? How? The words associated with the term gave me pause. There are many noble, justifiable reasons to give glory, and even at the proper time to receive it.

When you are the Recipient

Giving and receiving happens everyday, in all kinds of arenas for all kinds of purposes. Ships and cargo, tanks and gas, handshakes, or restricted access waves through window panes. Expressions of tender care, or million dollar revenues. By nature created, humans give and receive. All species do, all seasons all around the globe. We're an ecosystem of cause and effect. Yes, you are well aware. Preaching to the choir when addressing the counsellors. But before we rush on, consider the dynamics we create in our choosing, or spending, or gifting, our moving. Every motion is a glory choice. Every posture of our heart, every curious wondering of our own soul or others, every action, every reaction; indifferent, compliant, defiant, you get the idea.

All of us living will have glory received from time to time. Likely more in North American circles than anywhere else in the world? I don't know world cultures inside and out but from where I sit here in 2021, I am tired of glory self-seekers in my news feed. And I pause. Consider. When I am a recipient where does my heart go? Pride? Or do I say as a child of the Creator; “let me point this back to You”? It only takes a second to watch a reaction. We can never judge accurately, that will be done by One. But in a scenario by observation it can be seen; in downcast eyes the shame of feeling undeserving. In the “Glory to God” mindset we may smile, raise a finger to heaven, or simply express in our heart “It's for You, Jesus! It's all You.”

In the End all that Matters

I hope this article has whet your appetite, and balm-ed your weary soul. A cool drink in the dessert sun of a world devastated by a global pandemic. All those words are from my angle here and now, and yet as I look up; all those words of “glory” defined are true. There is a God in Heaven, He has a book. His records are from the beginning. He hasn't forgotten, hasn't abandoned. If you feel like me at moments; the opposite of glory; shamed, obscured. May those words not be our demise, but our rising from the circumstances with more character like our Saviour; lowliness, and modesty don't begin to address how far He went down in this world to rise again. And, dear Reader, and soul of my own; He will, He will, He will come again! In all of His glory, He will take the throne. Be still, be courageous, be certain as you obey the Spirits' call: our Jesus is not done, He's not dead. He's working, and He's still reliable, and fully the same.

Now the the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honour and glory forever and ever. Amen.” (1 Timothy 1:17 HCSB)

Don't Stop

Over the years of my living at various points when the hard feels oppressive and my heart has carried too much on my own, I've felt the desire to drop the towel, shut out the lights, cancel that scheduled counselling appointment, or just “not bother” (justifying). But somehow in Perfection the Father knows how to call my heart; “Keep on!” “I see you.” “I know your pain,” Wherever you are, whatever your station, may this black and write articulation inspire your moments and refocus your gaze on the Light of Eternity, it's closer today. I want to be found worshipping at the altar that's not self. He's given me what I need to address my own heart, and by grace He's equipped all His children in wisdom to serve, to worship, to be, breathe, imagine, and do. Who is your Recipient? Pause. Is it true? Not just in statement, but in the grain of your being. We're all human, we're all not the same. But at the foot of the cross there is level ground to be had. Are you levelling for others the message of hope? Are you reaching out in ways that shine? Only two beings can answer that; you and the Glory Deserver to Whom we will give account.

Oh my dear Jesus, please help me today, as I hit the last key strokes, and with a tear in my eye, to faithfully serve You between this moment and Your Return. I'll need grace, I'll need forgiveness, I'll need tenderness, and grit. But I know that you have all I need, and more. Here's this soul offering. Will You trust Him with yours?

Tuesday, 6 July 2021

In my Imaginings: Could it be?

Swiping the crusty debris from my eyes, the warmth and light is penetrating much too early. Or is it early? No, this new day feels right on time. I don't feel weary, I don't perceive pain. I haven't even opened my eyes, but my senses are telling me this morning is like no other before.

Can it be? No brain fog? No shame to keep me fighting to remain horizontal when I know I should move. Is it possible? Already? No. But everything already feels so different this morning. No headache, no hesitancy of heart. No tyranny of the urgent that I really don't want to answer. Just peace.

I still hear the gorgeous lilt of the sparrow song, and the oriole chiming in, and the wrens in all their species over a valley that I know I'm still near because the familiars are still there. The morning dewy moisture is felt, and the temperature feels like this time of year.... in a season of familiar and yet so not the norm.  

I move my left hand, and feel for the ring. Yep, it's there, and feels just right. I turn my head left, and then slowly spin my neck to the right. That pop that often happens in the morning didn't. Hmmm. Sweet. That hollow feeling in my loins is not present. That's just wild. Or is it? I reach my right hand, just a bit to feel over the cool cotton sheets to reach out and know..... Yes, there he is. My partner, quietly slumbering, and warm. Mmmmmm! My heart is grateful, so much to thank the Maker for. And this day as all days, begins with worship, a choice. Pause. Breathe, in, out.

My lung capacity is full, deep and renewed. My rib that I once damaged by lifting too much doesn't even ache. I have not felt this way in the morning before. I want to open my eyes, but I also want to just relish in the opulence that is morning slowly, and let it all sink in.

A tune that's familiar, a song that I've had in my mind for decades of living springs to my mind. Without hesitation or memory uncertain, each note plays like an orchestra on the grass as the woodwinds, the buzz of the insects provide a percussion that seems subtle and yet is there. Those afore mentioned birds, they begin to assemble their songs to bring a harmony that takes that old familiar and makes it a classic to new proportions. And that's just the background of this orchestra in my mind. My experiences of scent, taste, touch, and awareness seem to burst into bloom as the Author intended. A song about the Maker, the One who was before the globe spun. A song penned by Himself, and yet not one note speaks pride. That One, the only Perfection. Ah...... what bliss.

Shall I open the eyes? I reach for his hand, quietly to sense where he is in his slumber. I know with certainty as so many mornings before, I want to share this with him. I want us to do this day, this new day together. In a deeper way than never before.

I wonder; my mind begins the curious train with youthful enthusiasm I lost decades ago. “Will I meet the Author today?” “Is this the New World?” Oh, He's been working, and making, perfecting and preparing a place. Pause. Breathe in, and out. My minds train is running much too fast. Or is it? I've never processed thoughts so easily. No socio-economic angst and skepticism that clouds all I perceived from my angle on things. Is it possible that the brokenness of how my worldview of justice was fabricated in me is no longer there? It's always been hard to gather my thoughts, well not always..... that's not quite true; that issue grew as time passed day by day, year, by longer year in the waiting. No today, there's that lightness of mind that all is made new, anything is possible.

I reach that right hand over my rising and falling chest filling lungs with the purest air and feel.... The old familiar heart-shape locket right there, in it's place. A token, a promise of more. More than you've ever known, more than you can even possibly imagine. This little etched and tarnished memento of precious metal hanging on a frail chain held so many times before to remind me; hope is real.

This tiny keepsake is monetarily worth so little by a dollar point of view, but to me is a precious reminder, and gift from a Father who gave it to me with a Love promise that He would never ever stop His grace, His plan, once I took that tiny gift, and made it my own. Once that gift was in my hand, and then fastened around my neck, I knew I belonged, not because of the token, but because it was proof, He'd extended a present, a grace undeserved. He gave His most precious Son to make the present possible.

Ah, the welling emotion of peace and security are an oddity in a broken and marred place. Or am I somewhere new? Can it be? Is it true?

All of sensory capacities are fully on, and I have not even lifted my head. No caffeine to wipe the cobwebs from my fuzzy brain. No concerns about the looming “stuff” on that list. I wonder, is that list even there? I will only know if I take the risk, and open my eyes. I feel deep down in a place within me that was there with the Father before the foundations of this rolling dust ball was spoken into place that this New Day is a day of all days. I so want it to be true.

All this processing and sensory trip, sounds like I'm afraid, and taking my time, but you know what? There is no time. What? No time? No time but the present. Ah, that's confirmation for certain.

No past to rehearse; just the now. Alright...... I grasp again the hand on my right, and I squeeze, as I have for countless mornings before..... And I take the plunge, I lift my eye lids and see.

My every sense awakens in a newness never experienced. My mind knows, and thoughts dialogue: “Oh, my goodness of all the goodness that can be. It is.” Without corrective lenses, just the open sky above the clouds with magnificence, yet little else in my peripheral view. I know. I know like I was trained to know, that the day has come! It's come. Hope restored. The King on His throne. The first questions of my ever learning mind are already answered deep in my soul; with just instinct and knowledge passed on based on what He said in the Word. And for certain that one that personal choice to be in, all in all those years ago has finally come to be a reality only ever believed.  

I feel the response squeeze from my Beloved next to me, and I know today's adventure will top all the rest. Nothing will be off, it will be His Perfection revealed.

His name is on both of our lips, my life partner and I. We twist our necks toward one another and there's not a hint of bad breath. We kiss like that very first time, and now look in each other's faces. I see in his deep eyes that he knows it too. Together, simultaneously our cheeks rise, and our white teeth reveal; no cracks, no stains, no dental fixes, even no plaque. No wonder the breath of us both smelled so fresh, and pure. This is more than the mind can possibly take in, oh but even that's made right.

Our minds eye is no longer swayed by the false. It's free to be abandoned in truth without fear. Everything I've ever wondered, it will be answered here by the One who knows, the One.

The first word uttered between us, that partner and I is; His name. “Jesus” we say together in unison. With nods of our heads, and new marrow, new flesh, we bound up. Then clasp the other's hand, and at just the right pace to observe this New Earth, we set out like every other day, yet on this day we know, It's the Day for face to face interactions with Him; our Saviour.

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Others May, You Cannot

Lately I've been reminded as I muse, and pray, think and live of a really old writer, and this piece that came across my mind years ago and return to time and again, addresses the heart, and impresses upon me the importance of personal conviction, personal holiness, personal integrity, and the significance our choosing represents. I could express more of my "personal", but I've already used the word generally four times. So, for the sake of getting to it; here's that article by G.D. Watson taken directly from bible.org

If God has called you to be really like Jesus, He will draw you into a life of crucifixion and humility, and put upon you such demands of obedience, that you will not be able to follow other people, or measure yourself by other Christians, and in many ways He will seem to let other good people do things which He will not let you do.

Other Christians and ministers who seem very religious and useful, may push themselves, pull wires, and work schemes to carry out their plans, but you cannot do it; and if you attempt it, you will meet with such failure and rebuke from the Lord as to make you sorely penitent.

Others may boast of themselves, of their work, of their success, of their writings, but the Holy Spirit will not allow you to do any such thing, and if you begin it, He will lead you into some deep mortification that will make you despise yourself and all your good works.

Others may be allowed to succeed in making money, or may have a legacy left to them, but it is likely God will keep you poor, because He wants you to have something far better than gold, namely, a helpless dependence on Him, that He may have the privilege of supplying your needs day by day out of an unseen treasury.

The Lord may let others be honored and put forward, and keep you hidden in obscurity, because He wants you to produce some choice, fragrant fruit for His coming glory, which can only be produced in the shade. He may let others be great, but keep you small. He may let others do a work for Him and get the credit for it, but He will make you work and toil on without knowing how much you are doing; and then to make your work still more precious, He may let others get the credit for the work which you have done, and thus make your reward ten times greater then Jesus comes.

The Holy Spirit will put a strict watch over you, with a jealous love, and will rebuke you for little words and feelings, or for wasting your time, which other Christians never seem distressed over. So make up your mind that God is an infinite Sovereign, and has a right to do as He pleases with His own. He may not explain to you a thousand things which puzzle your reason in His dealings with you, but if you absolutely sell yourself to be His love slave, He will wrap you up in a jealous love, and bestow upon you many blessings which come only to those who are in the inner circle.

Settle it forever, then, that you are to deal directly with the Holy Spirit, and that He is to have the privilege of tying your tongue, or chaining your hand, or closing your eyes, in ways that He does not seem to use with others. Now when you are so possessed with the loving God that you are, in your secret heart, pleased and delighted over this peculiar, personal, private, jealous guardianship and management of the Holy Spirit over your life, you will have found the vestibule of Heaven.

G. D. Watson, in Living Words

Thursday, 29 April 2021

In Loving Memory


Oma Tueny Nugteren 


  Gone from this earth now, but present with the LORD.  Your faith in Christ made Heaven your certain eternal Home.  We cherish the memories of times we shared, and look forward to the day we'll see you again.  Knowing Jesus means death is not good-bye, but a "See you again!".  Rejoicing with you Oma that you are enjoying Heavens' splendor; reunion with Opa, and others you love, but most of all our Saviour face-to face.     

Monday, 22 February 2021

Guest Post: "Why I'm Simplifying Our Home" by Michelle Beeksma

Over the years I've had the honour of connecting a handful of times briefly with Michelle, the author of this featured guest post. She's intentional, committed to Jesus, and authentic. It's a blessing how God works, and makes us for communities, and how incredibly rich, deep and diverse the family of God is. I've been encouraged, inspired and sharpened by Michelle when we've connected, and I'm grateful. With no more words of my own; check out this great post, and then if you have time, cruise over to Michelle's own blog for more.... 

Why I’m Simplifying Our Home

I recently shared about how relationships are the most important part of life. This is the reason why I’ve been simplifying our home, so that I can spend less time and energy on stuff and more time on my relationships. 

If relationships are the priority, where does that leave our homes and the stuff in them? 

Things don’t have to be the enemy of relationships, there is a proper place for them. 

Cleaning and organizing our homes and the things in them will always be a part of life. Certain appliances and tools really are a gift that can save us time. Furniture and decor make the home a cozy place where people feel welcome. Toys and games can help develop our kids minds and deepen our connections with each other. Clothing keeps us warm. Books feed our minds. Physical things are not evil, they are gifts that we are to steward well. No matter how much we declutter, we will always spend some time each day maintaining and caring for our stuff. There’s no getting around it, but these mundane tasks can be redeemed when they are done in a relational way for God’s glory. Together, friends help each other with the dishes, kids help each other cleanup after playing with toys. Even alone, we can fold laundry with a thankful heart and in doing so, bring glory to God. We can reflect his character by bringing order out of chaos and by serving our families in love as we pick up those dirty socks.  

Simplifying the home isn’t about donating everything and eliminating all housework. It’s really about intentionality. Being intentional while doing the tasks, and being intentional to make those tasks efficient and minimal. How can I spend the smallest amount of time possible thinking about what’s for dinner and where my socks are? Here are a few of the practical projects that have helped. 

-Purging and removing all the extra stuff that we don’t need and don’t value.  Minimal stuff means minimal time cleaning and arranging that stuff.

-Investing some time up front creating meal plans, weekly routines, and laundry systems that are beginning to save a lot of time and mental energy in the day to day. 

 -Disciplining myself and our kids to practice some daily habits of making sure every item has a home and putting things back when we’re done using them. 

Again, the reason behind all of this is to create more mental space for relationships, to spend my time well so that I can be a present wife, mom, and friend. Once we can eliminate excess clutter and wasted time, then comes the fun part. We get to fill the space with what is valuable to us. If we aren’t intentional at this point, the extra time and energy we have worked hard to earn will quickly get sucked up by different things such as too much TV and social media. There are so many other obstacles to living an intentional life. What matters most to you? This will look slightly different for everyone. For our family, we value quality time as a family, reading good books, having dance parties, filling our minds with what is good and true through God’s Word, and having buffer time to love people by meeting sudden needs that come up, to name a few. An intentional, simple life isn’t easy, it takes some time up front to think and strategize, hard work to declutter, and daily habits to maintain, but it is possible, freeing, and worth it. 

For more from Michelle check out; michellebeeksma.wordpress.com

Along the Way backround