Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Glory Anticipation

The first draft of this article was written in our pop-up trailer while processing recovery and the effects of surgery, the pandemic, housing needs and emotions at the age of forty. I chose to not make public this article for some time, sharing it with a few trusted friends, and reading and rereading it to encourage my own faith, plodding, choosing, stepping, and living in faith with Jesus these summer months. 

This past weekend we drove through storms here in Ontario and saw the power of the living God around us. The photos added in are to supplement the words, and draw you the reader's mind to a higher perspective.

The passenger side mirror is often our angle in life isn't it? Someone else is in control, the rain drops of life on planet earth are falling, and the view we currently see seems dreary often. 

Yet, there is glory we as followers of the Lord Jesus can anticipate. 
Define the Terms:


1. (noun) def//: high renown or honor won by notable achievements. "to fight and die for the glory of one's nation" Similar: renown, fame, prestige, distinction, kudos, eminence, preeminence, acclaim, acclamation, celebrity, praise, accolades, laurels, recognition, note, notability, credit, repute, reputation, illustriousness, luster, laudation Opposite: shame, obscurity

2. magnificence or greatness."the train has been restored to all its former glory" Similar: splendor, resplendence, grandeur, majesty, greatness, impressiveness, gloriousness, pomp, stateliness, sumptuousness, opulence, beauty, elegance, brilliance, gorgeousness, splendidness. Opposite: lowliness, modesty.

glory”: (verb) 1. take great pride or pleasure in. "they were individuals who gloried in their independence"

Who is the Addressee?

Sending postal mail has been a pleasure of mine since childhood. The early morning deposits as my brothers and I walked to the end of the lane to catch the school bus. The picking up of surprises, or pass on to the parents the flyers, and responsibility bills.... Born in 1981, as a kid of that generation, the postal mail system was a beautiful communication method in my view. So; in our lives and with the glory we address others with; whom do you attribute glory? For what? Why? How? The words associated with the term gave me pause. There are many noble, justifiable reasons to give glory, and even at the proper time to receive it.

When you are the Recipient

Giving and receiving happens everyday, in all kinds of arenas for all kinds of purposes. Ships and cargo, tanks and gas, handshakes, or restricted access waves through window panes. Expressions of tender care, or million dollar revenues. By nature created, humans give and receive. All species do, all seasons all around the globe. We're an ecosystem of cause and effect. Yes, you are well aware. Preaching to the choir when addressing the counsellors. But before we rush on, consider the dynamics we create in our choosing, or spending, or gifting, our moving. Every motion is a glory choice. Every posture of our heart, every curious wondering of our own soul or others, every action, every reaction; indifferent, compliant, defiant, you get the idea.

All of us living will have glory received from time to time. Likely more in North American circles than anywhere else in the world? I don't know world cultures inside and out but from where I sit here in 2021, I am tired of glory self-seekers in my news feed. And I pause. Consider. When I am a recipient where does my heart go? Pride? Or do I say as a child of the Creator; “let me point this back to You”? It only takes a second to watch a reaction. We can never judge accurately, that will be done by One. But in a scenario by observation it can be seen; in downcast eyes the shame of feeling undeserving. In the “Glory to God” mindset we may smile, raise a finger to heaven, or simply express in our heart “It's for You, Jesus! It's all You.”

In the End all that Matters

I hope this article has whet your appetite, and balm-ed your weary soul. A cool drink in the dessert sun of a world devastated by a global pandemic. All those words are from my angle here and now, and yet as I look up; all those words of “glory” defined are true. There is a God in Heaven, He has a book. His records are from the beginning. He hasn't forgotten, hasn't abandoned. If you feel like me at moments; the opposite of glory; shamed, obscured. May those words not be our demise, but our rising from the circumstances with more character like our Saviour; lowliness, and modesty don't begin to address how far He went down in this world to rise again. And, dear Reader, and soul of my own; He will, He will, He will come again! In all of His glory, He will take the throne. Be still, be courageous, be certain as you obey the Spirits' call: our Jesus is not done, He's not dead. He's working, and He's still reliable, and fully the same.

Now the the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honour and glory forever and ever. Amen.” (1 Timothy 1:17 HCSB)

Don't Stop

Over the years of my living at various points when the hard feels oppressive and my heart has carried too much on my own, I've felt the desire to drop the towel, shut out the lights, cancel that scheduled counselling appointment, or just “not bother” (justifying). But somehow in Perfection the Father knows how to call my heart; “Keep on!” “I see you.” “I know your pain,” Wherever you are, whatever your station, may this black and write articulation inspire your moments and refocus your gaze on the Light of Eternity, it's closer today. I want to be found worshipping at the altar that's not self. He's given me what I need to address my own heart, and by grace He's equipped all His children in wisdom to serve, to worship, to be, breathe, imagine, and do. Who is your Recipient? Pause. Is it true? Not just in statement, but in the grain of your being. We're all human, we're all not the same. But at the foot of the cross there is level ground to be had. Are you levelling for others the message of hope? Are you reaching out in ways that shine? Only two beings can answer that; you and the Glory Deserver to Whom we will give account.

Oh my dear Jesus, please help me today, as I hit the last key strokes, and with a tear in my eye, to faithfully serve You between this moment and Your Return. I'll need grace, I'll need forgiveness, I'll need tenderness, and grit. But I know that you have all I need, and more. Here's this soul offering. Will You trust Him with yours?

Along the Way backround