Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Guest Post: Abide

  This poem is written by a friend, and alumni of Word of Life Bible Institute, Laura Beth King.  Though we have not connected in person for some time her poetry shares her heart and desire to walk in God's truth.  I am sure these words will encourage you as she encouraged me.  With her permission I share with you.  Enjoy! 


I’m beat, I’m beat!
The thing has won.
I tried, I failed
I’m finished, I’m done!

My soul is weary
My strength is gone
It’s all too much
I can’t go on.

But wait, but wait -
What’s that I hear?
The voice of God
So calm and clear:

Abide in Me
He says with love
Keep the faith
And don’t give up

This thing you can’t
Do on your own
My strength to you
I will bestow

(written October 28, 2008)

Sunday, 26 May 2013


It's a constant thing.....  it's part of life.  Gigantic, life-altering; (or seemingly so at the time), to the trivial, and all kinds of in-between types of change.  It's inevitable, nothing we interact with on this planet will ever be the same twice.... stuff gets older, scratched, and used.... they say as soon as you take a new car off the lot it's value depreciates by 20%.  Ouch!  But that's just a car....

My life has changed from what I've been used to quite a lot this year.... here's the "bomb" of this post..... and the "bomb" I am adjusting to; I am now on long-term disability.  As missionaries we have sent out letters, and contact has been made to our supporters, and family, so many people already know.  It's an adjustment I am coming to terms with.

I've been dealing with health issues for years, and years.... this news is not bad news, it is good.  It just doesn't necessarily feel good emotionally speaking I suppose.  Though it's also a kind of a "fresh breath of air" relief, the opportunity to take life a little slower, to see the same day-to day from a different angle, and have time to appreciate it, ponder it, and learn.  Physically speaking my body needs this, I cannot preform the tasks of my ministry role as Kitchen Manager any longer.  The ministry we serve with has been most gracious, and I've seen their care and support in a deeper way than ever before.

God has been faithful, we had no sweet clue at the end of 2012 that 2013 would take shape like it has.  God has preserved my life, given me daily grace to breathe, to know HIM, and through the pain and trial He's brought; Nathan and I have a deeper appreciation for what it means to belong to God.

We are beyond words grateful for how He takes care of us, and for where we are at in our lives physically (living on a Bible School campus and camp property where we can learn God's Word, interact with believers, and see His truth at work in lives), what a blessing.  So many people around this world suffer in so many ways for their faith.  I can't even imagine.  We are blessed, we have a home, access to health care, and all the books and medical research we could ever read (which at times needs to be in moderation so I don't get too paranoid/negative/overwhelmed/pessimistic/statistical about my endometroisis).     

We are more grateful than ever for the eternal truths that are unchanging.  No matter what my health does, no matter who runs into our car, if our stuff burns up or gets stolen, if we are in an accident and face permanent physical limitations or "worse"......  You just don't know.  Change is inevitable, nothing is reliable.  Accept for GOD and His truth.  So, running to, betting on, and being hopeful in Him, and His Word.... that's the only solace that offers lasting peace, and real contentment.

I have a choice about my condition, I can bemoan it and self-pity party all day long, or I can look at it from a different angle.  Like every coin has two sides, I can list and focus on the negative, or be positive, count the blessings, rejoice in Him, be realistic that sure I can't do that anymore.... but that doesn't mean I can't do anything.

There's much I can still do, and I am delighted to see what God has right here today in-front of me, and for our future. I am soooo very thankful He's with me, and in His grace He's teaching me more and more about Him, my sinful self, and just how awesome it is to mine His truth, and attempt to walk in it.

"May the God of hope fill you with joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that hope may overflow by the power of the Holy Spirit."  Romans 15:13

I tell you honestly from my heart, hope is in the person of Christ.  Life is too hard to face alone, and if you think life is hard.... there's eternity to come.  Where's your hope?  What's your rock through the changes of life?

David expresses in Psalm 62:1-3a, "Hear my cry, O God; Give heed to my prayer.  From the end of the earth I call to You when my heart is faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For You have been a refuge for me..."  

Through this change, and whatever else God calls me to face, accept, be content and rejoice about, I cling to my Jesus, my Rock, He is my hope, my joy, my song.  

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

The splendor on display....

The beauty of Spring is a multi-dimensional experience; the chorus of birds' songs, the scent of flowers in bloom, and fresh cut grass, the breeze and sunshine hitting your skin.....  These pictures have been taken here in our beautiful corner of creation. Nate is teaching me more about photography.  We are enjoying sharing this hobby; and the results magnify the Creator God who made all things good.  Enjoy these shots, the Scriptures overlay-ed on them, and this song that so beautifully exalts the Maker of all earth's splendor.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Happy Happy Happy…

Birthday that is, to my husband, Nate!  :)  My high school date to the prom alternative (church youth event including dinner boat cruise on the Grand River, and entertainment by the Word of Life Impact Team in 1999) who showed up to our door with a corsage, and white rose that night, and later in the evening gave me a teddy bear too. 

Today, looking back, I think these gifts were more fitting that I even knew at the time.  Nate puts time into the right things (the wrist corsage-he took time to find out just what I would prefer).  Practically Nathan prioritizes; his faith, me, family time, serving others, working heard, and enjoying life too.  He could have just gotten that corsage; that would have been enough for the occasion, and for where we were at in our friendship at that point.  But not Nate…. He went above and beyond to show his feelings for me.

The rose…. Oh, the rose.  That gesture was ground work for a wonderful romance. When Nathan gave me a white rose on my parents’ door step he explained it represented purity in our friendship and wherever it went from there… Wowza!  I felt like a precious gem at that moment, cherished, considered, and honoured to be getting to know this man.  He showed me in action what he spoke in words that night as he treated me like a lady, and throughout our dating relationship guarded that purity.  Sure, we weren’t perfect, but his heart was to honour the Lord, and it showed.

Finally, that cuddly teddy bear… a surprise I was not expecting, Nate’s so great at everyday thoughtfulness in little gifts, making me coffee, calling from work to check on my day, and more. Truly, Nate is a leader I respect, and to him I willingly submit (want and try to anyway… still learning what this looks like in day to day situations).  He’s also a teddy bear at heart.  He’s gentle, he’s a great source of comfort to me, and boy does it ever feel like home in his arms.  He is slow to speak, and quick to forgive.  We learn through life, and we do struggle…. But at the end of the day we have vowed in our wedding vows to “not let the sun go down on our anger” and thus far by God’s grace we have kept that vow, and open relationship.  It’s meant some late nights, tears, and much forgiveness and grace.  But the tensions and conflicts are where we learn the most, and grow stronger together.

To you my jar opener, go-to tech guy, my brothers’ paintball buddy, my willing to run to the store man, my wild adventurer by hiking, waterfall exploring, geocaching, movie, 24 and Duck Dynasty viewing, and more…  my life partner, my best friend… I’d go big if I could…. I wish you a this Sunday, May 19th a celebration including a solo birthday song from me, thanking God who gave us life eternal, and each day with His grace, love and greetings from family and friends, the hope of the Penns in the playoffs (GO! Team), getting a sweet photography shot, burgers on the grill, a cupcake, a few surprises, and pwning on Xbox live.  :)  Hope it’s a sweet day for you!

Happy Birthday to you Nathan Gregory Earls-celebrating your life today, and enjoying the person you are.  There are many so proud of you, and there’s still much life yet to come.  Cheers! (tinkling of Jones’ with my Arizona Green Tea) to you Nate!  LOVE you more and more!               

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Be a Choosey Chooser!

Is choosey even a word?  Yes, yes... it is.  It means "difficult to please".

My hubby and I are enjoy Netflix very much, right now we are watching our way through "Diff'rent Strokes" an ol goodie classic.  "What you talkin' 'bout Willis?" being a classic phrase from the show.  :) The episode (Season #1, Episode 12-if you want to see it yourself) we enjoyed while eating lunch today on this snowy Mother's Day touched on this topic of choosing I've been mulling over for quite some time...

Like all other shows and movies, it's is a scripted sitcom, but the principles of choosing are relate-able.  The father, Mr. Drummond has prioritized his role as a Dad in his mind and practice long before a lady-friend entered his life.  When he sees they are on different pages concerning priorities, he makes an informed choice.  He chooses not to take his relationship with her any further (marriage) in order to stay true to his convictions in fathering his kids.

You and I are born choosers.  We are constantly prioritizing as we choose, and spending our lives in the process.  Small choices are what make up a life, day by day....  Choosing shows what we value/who we worship.

It's important to think on your personal values, and beliefs, as these are the foundation that you use as your framework in decision making.  My Mom modelled for me being a "choosey chooser", I am sure my four brothers would agree.  She is thrifty, precise in purchases, and often sacrifices some comforts for us as kids.  As we grew she'd let us choose; giving us a little money at a store, or allowing us to choose to save the money for vacation time, etc.  We also learned about choosing friends, how we spent our time, the importance of being honest, hard-work, not doing things to get the credit, and more.  She and Dad were preparing us for adulthood, as more and more choices of significance became ours to make.  I am grateful for my mother's influence on Mother's Day, and many other days as I see the values and life lessons she's shown, and continues to teach.

Our choices are our own, no one else is to blame, and we will face the consequences or blessings of those choices long-term.  Gary Stairs, a friend, and co-missionary we respect and appreciate shared this morning in Sunday School from the book of Daniel.  We discussed the resolve, and intentionality of Daniel's life.  Gary quoted a teen who in 1995 said;
   "At Word of Life Camp this summer I decided to follow God's plan for my life instead of Satan's plan for my death!" 
 I wonder where that teen is today?  What they value?  What they prioritize?  We each have to set our focus, our goals, our base line non-negotiables, so that when life decisions need to be made we know where we stand.  These are our personal standards.  I've spent time honing my list, and this is what I've decided matters to me, at the core of who I am.  I made this list some years back.  Beside each statement is a Biblical reference because I believe the Bible is God's Word, my source of truth, and His guide book for living.  For me, Karen Sophia Earls, these statements are my lines in the sand, I will stand firm on these values.

  • I am a relentless follower of Jesus Christ.  (Galatians 2:20, 5:24,25)
  • I desire His will for my life.  (1 Peter 4:2b, Ephesians 5:8-10)
  • I am a pursuer of wisdom. (Proverbs 31:26)
  • I am dedicated to purity. (Matthew 5:8)
  • I am sincere about living joyfully. (Psalm 28:7, Philippians 4:4, John 15:11, 1 Peter 4:13)
  • I am wholeheartedly committed to Nathan Earls.  (Genesis 2:2, Proverbs 31:11,12, Ephesians 5:33b)
  • I am passionate about discipling young women.  2 Timothy 2:2, Titus 2:3,4, Matthew 28:19,20)
  • I want to keep a God honoring home and use it in hospitality for the Lord. (1 Peter 4:9)
  • I seek to share the gospel boldly.  (Romans 1:16)
  • I aim to spend my life for God's glory.  (Romans 12:1,2, Galatians 2:20)
Fully Surrendered to the worthy Saviour of my soul.   

I share these personal convictions here on my blog not to convey pride, or to push my values on you.  I post them publicly for a few reasons.  First, to urge you to decide for yourself where you stand in life and why.  Second, to make myself vulnerable and open to the accountability of others.  I know I struggle to keep these principles true in every area of my life.  I welcome criticism. Though we all prefer encouragement, we need the loving words of others to keep us in check.  

So, I choose to be choosey.... I pray daily God helps me to pick the wise road, to honour Him, to be committed to these Biblical principles.  It's all His grace that enables me, and His grace that I rest in each time I fail.  We're all living, breathing, choosers.  Choose wisely.  

Monday, 6 May 2013

Simple Pleasures of Spring....

Aaahhh!  The warmth of the sunshine streaming through open windows, allowing the breeze to freshen up the house.  I like Spring!  I like every season really, and living in Grey-Bruce, Ontario, Canada we get to experience all four seasons.

This year's Winter to Spring transition has been unique.  Last week there was snow, and as I type, stittin' in the sunbeams it's 13 degrees Celsius, and nothing but blue skies.  We fast-forwarded through "mud season" here in our corner of God's creation, and there's no complaining about that.  It's definitely.... 

And there are many in this season of; bare foot bliss, juicy watermelon, BBQs and more time outdoors with friends.  Wooohoooo!  I'm not sure why it is, but entertaining feels easier in the summer-time.  You don't need to pack on the layers, and shovel just to get to where you're going for one.  Grilling, and salads are simpler and quicker, and multiply so easily to feed a crowd too.  We so enjoyed sharing a BBQ, and time with friends yesterday, with new friends and old.  What a blessing.  Laid back, fun!

All the seasons brim with blessings, and we are enjoying this one.  At the same time, every season weather it's nature's seasons or a life "season" in regards to change, we get to choose how we react to them.

We can accept the circumstantial and choose to enjoy; or we can attempt to manage, change, or tweak.... Some things you just have to take, you can't change it.  You only get to choose your reaction.  I'm preaching to the choir on this one...  I am not a patient person, and I tend to want to control, manipulate, DO something to improve my situation.  That's not all bad, we do need to be proactive, intentional, informed and are allowed our own preferences.  And that is all just fine.  But there's still things beyond my control, I simply have to find the bright side of, and be at peace about, even if they may not be what I'd like.

No matter the weather outside, the condition of my body, the amount of cash/lack thereof flowing through our account, or how the people around me are living or acting, I can rest.  Yep, I can, if I choose to.  No matter what what I am still beyond blessed spiritually speaking because; I know God personally, I have a hope that is eternal, and I can know His peace no matter what's swirling like a tornado around me (Ephesians 1).

Click here for some tunage that just adds some atmosphere to this part of the post.... heads up of warning though, it's gouda cheeeesssiee music :)  

Yesterday was also another significant day in our lives.  Nathan and I celebrated our 12th Wedding Anniversary.  We enjoyed homemade pancakes together for breakie before church, to a soundtrack of various love songs that are special to us from different seasons of our relationship.  So fun!  I am soooo very grateful for this man God has given to me.  He is such a blessing.  Consistent, balanced, Biblical, faithful, fun, hard-working, spontaneous, and more..... Every day I have the privilege of sharing life with him, growing together in our lives personally, in our faith, learning, laughing, crying, making memories, and becoming more knit together as life partners, husband and wife, and as believers before God.  Nathan urges me on to follow hard after God.  Of all his characteristics I appreciate this most.  I need someone to confront my sinful heart, to love me unconditionally, and to show grace to me as we do life.  Nathan is this man every single day, and I thank God for him.  Here's a pic from way back in the day.....

Isn't he handsome???  Then, and now.  I loved him then, but I tell you I love him more and more in a deeper way as he loves me selflessly, and through the ugly moments when my sinful heart surfaces.  Happy Anniversary, my love!  I thank you for doing life with me how you do, and for sticking through the roller-coaster with me.  Here's to the rest of our lives, together.   

To you the reader of this blog; I hope that you have a great Spring enjoying the good things, but that beyond all the surface stuff and fun, I pray that you personally know the hope and security of Christ.

Today and everyday Nate and I "Carpe Diem" and all that poetic jazz.... we love life, and when it gets rough, yeah, it's hard.  But we rejoice that God knows, is here, and oh, is soooo beyond words GOOD!   

Along the Way backround