Aaahhh! The warmth of the sunshine streaming through open windows, allowing the breeze to freshen up the house. I like Spring! I like every season really, and living in Grey-Bruce, Ontario, Canada we get to experience all four seasons.
This year's Winter to Spring transition has been unique. Last week there was snow, and as I type, stittin' in the sunbeams it's 13 degrees Celsius, and nothing but blue skies. We fast-forwarded through "mud season" here in our corner of God's creation, and there's no complaining about that. It's definitely....
And there are many in this season of; bare foot bliss, juicy watermelon, BBQs and more time outdoors with friends. Wooohoooo! I'm not sure why it is, but entertaining feels easier in the summer-time. You don't need to pack on the layers, and shovel just to get to where you're going for one. Grilling, and salads are simpler and quicker, and multiply so easily to feed a crowd too. We so enjoyed sharing a BBQ, and time with friends yesterday, with new friends and old. What a blessing. Laid back, fun!
All the seasons brim with blessings, and we are enjoying this one. At the same time, every season weather it's nature's seasons or a life "season" in regards to change, we get to choose how we react to them.
We can accept the circumstantial and choose to enjoy; or we can attempt to manage, change, or tweak.... Some things you just have to take, you can't change it. You only get to choose your reaction. I'm preaching to the choir on this one... I am not a patient person, and I tend to want to control, manipulate, DO something to improve my situation. That's not all bad, we do need to be proactive, intentional, informed and are allowed our own preferences. And that is all just fine. But there's still things beyond my control, I simply have to find the bright side of, and be at peace about, even if they may not be what I'd like.
No matter the weather outside, the condition of my body, the amount of cash/lack thereof flowing through our account, or how the people around me are living or acting, I can rest. Yep, I can, if I choose to. No matter what what I am still beyond blessed spiritually speaking because; I know God personally, I have a hope that is eternal, and I can know His peace no matter what's swirling like a tornado around me (
Ephesians 1).
Click here for some
tunage that just adds some atmosphere to this part of the post.... heads up of warning though, it's gouda cheeeesssiee music :)
Yesterday was also another significant day in our lives. Nathan and I celebrated our 12th Wedding Anniversary. We enjoyed homemade pancakes together for breakie before church, to a soundtrack of various love songs that are special to us from different seasons of our relationship. So fun! I am soooo very grateful for this man God has given to me. He is such a blessing. Consistent, balanced, Biblical, faithful, fun, hard-working, spontaneous, and more..... Every day I have the privilege of sharing life with him, growing together in our lives personally, in our faith, learning, laughing, crying, making memories, and becoming more knit together as life partners, husband and wife, and as believers before God. Nathan urges me on to follow hard after God. Of all his characteristics I appreciate this most. I need someone to confront my sinful heart, to love me unconditionally, and to show grace to me as we do life. Nathan is this man every single day, and I thank God for him. Here's a pic from way back in the day.....

Isn't he handsome??? Then, and now. I loved him then, but I tell you I love him more and more in a deeper way as he loves me selflessly, and through the ugly moments when my sinful heart surfaces. Happy Anniversary, my love! I thank you for doing life with me how you do, and for sticking through the roller-coaster with me. Here's to the rest of our lives, together.
To you the reader of this blog; I hope that you have a great Spring enjoying the good things, but that beyond all the surface stuff and fun, I pray that you personally know the hope and security of Christ.
Today and everyday Nate and I "Carpe Diem" and all that poetic jazz.... we love life, and when it gets rough, yeah, it's hard. But we rejoice that God knows, is here, and oh, is soooo beyond words GOOD!