Sunday, 19 May 2013

Happy Happy Happy…

Birthday that is, to my husband, Nate!  :)  My high school date to the prom alternative (church youth event including dinner boat cruise on the Grand River, and entertainment by the Word of Life Impact Team in 1999) who showed up to our door with a corsage, and white rose that night, and later in the evening gave me a teddy bear too. 

Today, looking back, I think these gifts were more fitting that I even knew at the time.  Nate puts time into the right things (the wrist corsage-he took time to find out just what I would prefer).  Practically Nathan prioritizes; his faith, me, family time, serving others, working heard, and enjoying life too.  He could have just gotten that corsage; that would have been enough for the occasion, and for where we were at in our friendship at that point.  But not Nate…. He went above and beyond to show his feelings for me.

The rose…. Oh, the rose.  That gesture was ground work for a wonderful romance. When Nathan gave me a white rose on my parents’ door step he explained it represented purity in our friendship and wherever it went from there… Wowza!  I felt like a precious gem at that moment, cherished, considered, and honoured to be getting to know this man.  He showed me in action what he spoke in words that night as he treated me like a lady, and throughout our dating relationship guarded that purity.  Sure, we weren’t perfect, but his heart was to honour the Lord, and it showed.

Finally, that cuddly teddy bear… a surprise I was not expecting, Nate’s so great at everyday thoughtfulness in little gifts, making me coffee, calling from work to check on my day, and more. Truly, Nate is a leader I respect, and to him I willingly submit (want and try to anyway… still learning what this looks like in day to day situations).  He’s also a teddy bear at heart.  He’s gentle, he’s a great source of comfort to me, and boy does it ever feel like home in his arms.  He is slow to speak, and quick to forgive.  We learn through life, and we do struggle…. But at the end of the day we have vowed in our wedding vows to “not let the sun go down on our anger” and thus far by God’s grace we have kept that vow, and open relationship.  It’s meant some late nights, tears, and much forgiveness and grace.  But the tensions and conflicts are where we learn the most, and grow stronger together.

To you my jar opener, go-to tech guy, my brothers’ paintball buddy, my willing to run to the store man, my wild adventurer by hiking, waterfall exploring, geocaching, movie, 24 and Duck Dynasty viewing, and more…  my life partner, my best friend… I’d go big if I could…. I wish you a this Sunday, May 19th a celebration including a solo birthday song from me, thanking God who gave us life eternal, and each day with His grace, love and greetings from family and friends, the hope of the Penns in the playoffs (GO! Team), getting a sweet photography shot, burgers on the grill, a cupcake, a few surprises, and pwning on Xbox live.  :)  Hope it’s a sweet day for you!

Happy Birthday to you Nathan Gregory Earls-celebrating your life today, and enjoying the person you are.  There are many so proud of you, and there’s still much life yet to come.  Cheers! (tinkling of Jones’ with my Arizona Green Tea) to you Nate!  LOVE you more and more!               

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