Tuesday, 18 June 2013

The Opportunities of Infertility

That seems like an oxymoron... I mean infertility is a lack of opportunity, isn't it?  It all depends how you look at it.  My husband and I fit into the category of "infertile" because I have endometriosis, a hormone, immune disease which effects fertility.  I'm not gonna lie, it's a difficult physical situation, causes pain, there isn't a sure cure, and the list of negatives could run on, and on in terms of not having kids.....  Or, you know what, it's also an opportunity, if I choose to see and treat it that way.

I have opportunities;
  • to show compassionate understanding for others who suffer with infertility, chronic pain, or other struggles
  • the freedom of our schedules and days to minister-sharing our home, being available in a different way, to encourage, to pray, to write, to invest in relationships at church, in our community, and where we work/live/do ministry
  • to learn about myself, contentment, and in my faith walk with Christ what it means to really find life, joy and peace in Him alone in a different context than others
  • we can live on less financially because there's two; mouths to feed, bodies to clothe...
Yes, I find it challenging not to be able to have a family, but you know what... it's okay with me.  This is God's will for us, we will accept it, love the kids he's surrounded us with, and rejoice.... because though I'm not a Mommy, I am His child, and sooo very blessed.

Jesus gave His life for mine, providing salvation for all who will believe in Him.  He suffered by leaving heaven, taking on the burden of all the sins of the world, enduring the Father turning His face from Him, and a cruel death of torture on the cross.  "For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God..." 1 Peter 3:18  He willingly endured losses like no other.  Knowing His sacrifice to offer us forgiveness and rescue us from eternal death, any challenge we face is still grace compared to the wrath, judgement and separation from God that we rightly deserve.
The Apostle Paul in  Philippians 4 wrote that he "...learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am."  Paul went through a lot of difficulty his lifetime, persecution, prison, division with his friends, ship wreck, more time in prison, and quiet possible was martyred for his faith... yet he had learned contentment.  He also wrote, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." in the same chapter.  He understood life was through Christ, and that suffering was a privilege for the cause of the gospel.  Because knowing Christ is an eternal hope, that can't be effected by our circumstances.   

In light of the examples of Christ, and Paul, and so much more God has to say in His Word about how we ought to view life and struggles, I can say that my life is complete because of Jesus.

God could still work in my body, and allow pregnancy, or we could adopt....perhaps. Who knows what the future holds?  Today, though... I'm going to love God, trust Him, run to His truth when I am overwhelmed with feelings of insufficiency as a woman who can't bear children.  I will review in my mind who Christ says I am, rejoice in the blessings He has given, and serve in whatever capacity He's given me for this day.  It changes day to day for me, as pain is part of my daily life, but it doesn't mean I can't pray, worship God, and keep on seeking to glorify Him, and share with others His goodness, and grace.

Whatever your challenge, your deficit, that dream you can't attain.... If you have Christ, you have life.  We show if we really believe that He is enough, and what we really value/worship in how we deal with loss, struggles, and pain.  

Links to check out related to this topic:  
Where Life is to be Found Paul Tripp Video 
5 Things Infertile Couples Want Friends, Families, and Churches to Know-Blog Post by Brian Nicholson

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