Recap: This series of posts is using the text of a small booklet that has encouraged my faith, as a project to help me further consider the truths presented, and apply it to my own beliefs and instill it in my life I've put quotes over photos that are significant reminders of the principles in the quotes. Please read back through posts 1-5. Thanks for joining me but reading these posts. I trust they've been a catalyst to your own journey of soul.
Praise God for His provision of justification! Consider with me the incredible reality that what our minds perceive as evil and hopeless; God knows all about, is never surprised by and is able to effectively accomplish His glory through and use for His kind of everlasting good in the growth of our faith as we look to Him in the trials and sufferings of life.
I don't know your hardships, and some of these words may feel harsh, insensitive, or even impossible. Yet, I hope it spurns you on to investigate how there can be redeeming aspects of the hardest moments of life. If not during our lifetimes, in the forever of eternity.
The series will continue. Stay tuned.
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