28. Does your church presently
practice church discipline? If not, would you be willing to graciously encourage
them toward this position?
South End Fellowship Baptist Church of Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada of which my
husband and I have been members of for 10+ years practices church discipline. They clearly follow Scripture (Matthew
18:15-20, Titus 3:9-11, 2 Corinthians 2:5-11, 1 Corinthians 5, Galatians 6:1). We met together with our Senior Pastor and
his wife casually at our place last week to hear his heart and discuss this
important Biblical mandate. I requested
he write a little “blurb” for me to include that reflected our churches
doctrine and his personal convictions on this issue. His response was;
“Church discipline is clearly
mandated in scripture. So, to ignore it in a local church setting would not
only be unhealthy, but unbiblical. A home without discipline is dysfunctional.
A church that is unwilling to discipline is likewise dysfunctional. Someone
once said to me, “I would far rather have my mother discipline me than my
father. My mother used a spatula. My father used a belt and he was stronger!” I
believe church discipline is like the mother disciplining. It is God’s way of
softening the blow He Himself could levy if we left it up to Him. Carrying out
church discipline is never easy. Some will think you are too soft, others too
harsh. But if done properly, it will hopefully yield the fruits of repentance
and restoration.”
is clearly the heart of South End Fellowship Baptist, the Pastoral staff, and
members that restoration as outlined in James 5:19-20 is the goal of church
discipline. “My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and
someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from
his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.”
I am so thankful
for our local church, it as an independent identity, our Pastoral staff,
deacons and members are very much devoted to upholding Biblical truth in
preaching, teaching, worship, outreach, ministry and all the faucets of the
church. If you would like to contact
them their contact is information is;
South End
Fellowship Baptist Church
400 2nd Ave SE, Owen Sound, ON N4K 5T1 Phone # (519) 376-1550
Senior Pastor: Mark Lowrie
Associate Pastor: Chad Gordon
Worship Ministry: Tim Chambers
Church Administrator: Fiona Evison
Website: http://www.southendchurch.com/ includes under Contact/Staff pages
opportunity to e-mail staff directly.