Thursday 28 August 2014

Counselors I would Agree with | ACBC Exam Question #49

27. With which Christian counselors - if any - do you agree?  On which points do you agree with them and why?  Be specific and concrete with names and concepts.  Use two or three counselors as examples.

There are more and more truly “Biblical” counselors appearing on the scene, and being Canadian I’m sure many I've never heard of.  I am so encouraged and grateful that this movement is taking off as it is so needed in our culture and around the world.
 I would have to say, Dr. Steve Viars is a counselor I respect and appreciate, and would align with theologically and in practice.  Dr. Steve taught Biblical Counseling as a one week course at the Word of Life Bible Institute in Schroon Lake, New York when my husband and I were students there in 2002.  This was my first real introduction to Biblical Counseling, it wet my appetite, gave me a foundation to build on, and having attended the Track #1, and #2 of the Counseling Conference at Faith in Indiana, I value his teaching, and highly respect his counseling and the leadership he has given in this growing movement.  The why and how of my counseling principles would be an outflow of his teaching.      
I have personally grown and deeply value Elyse Fitzpatrick as a speaker, writer, and though I have never been personally counselled by her, I respect and would agree with her counsel.  “Idols of the Heart” and “Counsel from the Cross” have been instrumental books in my own walk with God, and very practical as I minister truth in counseling.  I have heard her speak as well, and as an endometriosis patient, her session on “Sex and Sexual Problems in Marriage (Ladies only session)” was tremendously insightful, and we had a great heart to heart chat after that was truly a balm to my heart as a wife seeking to love my husband and honour the Lord.      
Finally, brothers Paul and Tedd Tripp have aiding in shaping and influencing my walk with God, counseling philosophy and practice through live conference  sessions, recorded videos, and books; “Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands”, “Age of Opportunity”, “Shepherding a Child’s Heart”, “a Shelter in the time of Storm” and more.  I am thankful for their heart based approach, not behaviour modification, and their grace based counseling. 

I am very grateful for these people listed, and others who are “no names” in terms of the counseling world, but youth leaders, pastors, parents, co-missionaries, and friends who poured truth into my heart and mind through counsel and teaching over the years.  So blessed to part of God’s family and to have the opportunity to learn from godly men and women how to bring hope and help to other hurting souls.  

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