Wednesday 25 December 2013

Dear Reader~family member, friend, acquaintance or complete stranger,

As the sun rises this beautiful Christmas morn, and I sit by a lit Christmas tree with gift awaiting opening and enjoyment, listening to carols, anticipating a delightful day of festivities and joy-filled celebration.  My heart is thankful to God for all these blessings.  

I want to wish you a Very Merry Christmas, from our home, from our hearts to you, wherever you may be reading this.

Praying your celebrations will be so much more than a feast filled belly, and a pile of gifts.  May you know the most precious gift of all, the first Christmas gift of all time, and the very reason Christmas exists-the Christ child, Jesus.

May He mean more to you than a figurine you pull out if it's box at the holiday season, or a religious figure from history.  Jesus is sooo much more.  

"And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth."  John 1:14 

Jesus is the Son of God, Holy Deity in flesh, among men.  Born of a virgin, fulfill-er of prophesies, the Messiah to save mankind.  He is the embodiment of truth who demonstrated the grace of God by coming to this sin cursed earth, living a sinless life and then dying on the cross undeservedly but willingly to pay for my sin, your sin, the sins of the whole world.  All we need to do is accept the gift.

If you have received by faith that Jesus was in fact the Son of God, and have believed by faith that He paid for your sins and came back to life proving His power over sin and death, then Christmas holds so much meaning.  The day to stop and cherish His gift to us, to worship afresh, to honour the King of Kings who came as a babe to save this world.  

May He be the welcome guest on the throne of your heart and mine today.  Knowing Him changes everything, especially Christmas.  Amid the wrapping paper, lights, lavish meals, family time, and Christmas baking I hope that we cherish more.... the peace, the hope, the joy, the security that is known in Christ alone.  

Merry Christmas!


Thursday 12 December 2013

Continuing Revelation and the Sufficiency of Scripture | ACBC Exam question #5

5. Many Christians today speak of continuing revelation.  Relate this concept to inspiration and sufficiency of the Scripture.  Relate this concept to the issue of miracles, prophecy, and tongues.

        “Traditionally, revelation and the Bible have been inseparable.  Contemporary views have driven a wedge between the Bible and revelation with devastating results.  Now revelation need no longer be found only in the Bible, but in the mighty acts of God and in personal encounter.  The existential experience has replaced objective truth as the Word of God.”1 This concept of continuing revelation is dangerous.  To say that God has spoken to us today, giving our experience of God the authority only Scripture rightfully has is adding to His Word, the Bible, and every person could then claim they've heard various messages from God, causing confusion, licence, and no credible final authority on what is indeed God’s Word.  To suggest that God continues to give us new information is unbiblical.  He clearly stated in Proverbs 30:6, “Do not add to His words or He will reprove you, and you will be proved a liar.” 
                Miracles, prophecy and tongues had a unique role in God’s plan.  Jesus preformed miracles to authenticate that He was the Messiah, God in the flesh among them (Matt. 9:27-31, 12:9,14, 14:13-21, Mark 1:21-27, 1:40-45, 2:1-12, Luke 8:22-25, 40-56, and many more).  At the onset of the early church tongues were experienced to demonstrate the Holy Spirit’s indwelling, a new presence of God in believers (Acts 2).  Prophecies were made during Biblical times about historical events, to prove that Jesus was the Messiah (Micah 5:2, Daniel 9:25,26), and future events yet to come.   All Biblical prophesies made and fulfilled prove the Bible is God’s Word as no human could know in advance these events as He does. 
These signs and wonders performed were used by God at certain points in history for His purposes mentioned here.  These forms of God revealing Himself were never meant to become practices of the church, or carried on from those historic events.  1 Corinthians 13:8-10 reads; “Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part; but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away.” 
Because we now have the full Word of God, there is no need for any further revelation from Him.  The Bible ought to be considered the full, and complete, authoritative Word of God. 
1 “Basic Theology” Charles Ryrie, page 66

Saturday 7 December 2013

ACBC exam #4 | General Revelation and Biblical Authority

Compare and contrast the Bible and it’s authority to general revelation and it’s authority.

General revelation is a term used to refer to how God is revealed through nature, and has made us all with a consciousness of Him.  “Through non-verbal communication, people of all cultures and all languages have the capacity to understand that Almighty God exists in all of His weighty importance.”1 “The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.” (Psalm 19:1-2).  Clearly from the Bible we read God intended all that we see in nature surrounding us points to the reality, power, authority, and control of God.  In Romans 1 we read that this knowledge we have from nature makes us consciously responsible, all humanity knows deep down that God exists, and we are accountable to Him.   “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.” (Romans 1:18-20)  God’s revelation from nature is great knowledge, however it has its’ limits.  Later in Romans (10:17) we read; “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.” 
Nature testifies of God, but the Bible gives us the knowledge we need unto salvation, and day-to-day sanctified living, which natural revelation is insufficient to accomplish.  Nature and human conscience draw us to His truth, but it is the Bible that gives us the proper knowledge and guidance of understanding our sin nature, God’s gift of grace, His place of holiness and our place of needing a Saviour.    
“The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law.” (Deuteronomy 29:29)  God’s Word to us is a cherished treasure, incomparable to general revelation, but enhanced by it.  In and through it alone we can conclude; “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” (2 Peter 1:3)

1 “Counseling: How to Counsel Biblically” John MacArthur page 42 

Monday 2 December 2013

ACBC Theology Exam | Question #3

     What is the Bible’s authority on theological controversies?

This is an oversimplified conclusion; but there would not be theological controversies if the Bible was held in its’ proper place of authority.  As discussed in the above questions, we find it true that God’s Word, the Bible is inspired by Him, is infallible, and authoritative.  So, then there shouldn’t be controversy…. Right? 
We know full well there are.  Obviously, unsaved people are opposed to Biblical theology.  2 Corinthians 4:4 says of them, “in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”  In counseling an unsaved person, the objective must first be their salvation.  Without Christ any real lasting change is impossible because our hearts are wicked, and hopeless without Him.  But, “the sacred texts… are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation…” (2 Tim. 3:15) which is good news, and the hope that every unbelieving counselee needs to hear.
Within the church, the Body of Christ, controversies cause division, are the basis of different denominations, and must be handled with biblical wisdom.  Controversies arise when the Bible is interpreted wrongly, or when human opinion is forced onto Scripture (and Scripture is taken out of context to make it “work”).  1 Timothy 4:1 warns, “But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons”.  Deceptive theology is dealt with throughout Scripture, and are not hard to find today.

In counseling, it is important to establish the authority of the Bible at the outset as authoritative and to stick with it throughout the whole counselling process.  If a theological controversy arises, by all means a study should be done by the counselee with the help of the counselor to help them come to the truth using the Word which is “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16).  As all conflict should be handled, it is important that it is done in humility, love, and with the motivation to restore the counselee to a Biblical understanding/and or lifestyle as the situation requires as outlined in  Ephesians 4:14-15;  “As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming; but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ”.               

Saturday 23 November 2013

The Infallibility and Authority of Scripture (ACBC exam question #2)

 2.       What is the relationship between infallibility and authority?

The connection between God’s Word, the Bible being infallible, and authoritative is very positive.  Unlike human authority which is fallible, God’s authority is infallible.  This gives us confidence, and ought to ignite in us a complete willingness to submit to His authority outlined in His Word, the Bible, knowing He and His Word are infallible.  

Infallible means 100% true, and reliable.  As humans we are all sinners (Romans 3:23).  God However is holy, and perfect; “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent; Has He said, and will He not do it?  Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?” (Deuteronomy 23:19)  He alone is infallible, and therefore, His Word is also.  “Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth.” (John 17:17)  
Authority is defined as, “the power to determine, adjudicate, or otherwise settle issues or disputes; jurisdiction; the right to control, command, or determine.”1  Who is an authority in your life?  The local police?  The government?  A boss at work? Yes, yes, and yes.  Are they absolutely perfect? No. Who are they responsible to?  “Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil. Therefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for conscience’ sake.” (Romans 13:1-5) It brings peace knowing that there is an all-knowing God whose authority is fully just, and that nothing escapes Him.
Jesus defended the authority of Scripture against Satan as he tempted Him by replying; “But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.’”  (Matthew 4:4) In this passage we clearly see Jesus affirming that the Bible is from God, and authoritative for life.  If Christ used the Bible in dealing with temptation (and in teaching often referred to the Old Testament-see Matthew 12:3, 5; 19:4; 22:31; Mark 12:10, 26; Luke 6:3), and credited it’s authority, surely we as believers ought to do the same.      

Monday 18 November 2013

Association of Certified Biblical Counselors Exam Question #1

It's been a while since I've posted anything here on my blog.  I've been working on some other writing these days.  I am working towards certification as a biblical counselor.  So, I was thinking that posting some of the test questions and answers would be a neat way to share what I've been learning and writing about lately, and "hit two birds with one stone".  Here's the first question in the theology section of the exam.  I have not yet sent my responses in for grading (as I still have a lot more questions to answer, only about a quarter of the way through the written exam).  I've really been enjoying the task of working through my personal theology on paper (or I should say keyboard and screen).  Prior to taking on this certification process I knew in my mind where I stood on things, but to take the time and have to articulate it in written word solidifies things like nothing else can.  For some years now I've wanted to invest in this process and do this exam.  Now, God has chosen to provide the time.  I am thankful.  I hope these questions will wet your appetite for personal study,  and a desire to firm up your own theological views.  I welcome your comments and thoughts.  As I mentioned I haven't sent them in for assessment yet, so please help me out with any errors you see.  :)

1.  The Bible is spoken of as “inspired.” What does this mean?

The secular dictionary definition of the word “inspired” is an adjective meaning “aroused, animated, or imbued with the spirit to do something, by or as if by supernatural or divine influence”1.  While this definition might explain the inspiration to make a yule log for dessert at Christmas time in spirit of the holidays; this definition is not very substantial, and certainly not sufficient to describe God’s Word, the Bible.  Ryrie defines Biblical inspiration as; “God superintended the human authors of the Bible so that they composed and recorded without error His message to mankind in the words of their original writings.”2 I wholeheartedly agree with this definition.          
We read in 2 Timothy 3:16 (NASB) that; “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness”.   A literal translation of the word “inspired” in Greek is theopneustos; meaning God-breathed.   
             The Bible is God’s Word to us, He is the Author; however He used the Holy Spirit to prompt men to put the words on the page.  He was communicating His truth to us, His creation.  2 Peter 1:21 says “for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.”  God directed the men, they were active in the process, but it was His Word that they were writing.
The Bible is unique in literature, like nothing else in history.  It claims to be the Word of God (Isaiah 1:2, Jeremiah 10:1-2), and explains within its’ pages how God accomplished that.  All 66 books, though penned by different authors, at different times in history, using different forms of literature (law, history, wisdom, poetry, gospel, epistles, prophecy, and apocalyptic) they are all to be considered part of the one volume, the one God-given, God-authored book as a manual for living on planet Earth, the Bible.
                 It is important as Christians that we firmly believe in the doctrine of inspiration, and we set apart in our lives the Bible as God’s truth.  In counseling it needs to be established at the outset of a counseling situation that the counselee will submit to God’s truth and that the counselor will use the Bible to to lead the individual to Biblical hope, help, and practical application to aid the counselee in overcoming sin issues, and living out their faith victoriously in Christ. 

1    2 “Basic Theology” Charles Ryrie, page 71

Here's a link for more information on the Association Certified of Biblical Counselors:

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Everyday Gratitude

This past weekend was "Thanksgiving" here in Canada.  January 31, 1957 the Parliament of Canada proclaimed; "A day of general thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest with which Canada has been blessed-to be observed on the 2nd Monday in October."  I've always liked Thanksgiving weekend.  I think it's encouraging that in a nation that is quickly running in opposition to Christian values, this holiday is still recognized, still logged in history as a day set aside to thank GOD.  Time with family, a yummy feast of fall classics, the trees naturally trimmed in bright seasonal colour, and most of all intentional thoughts, and expressions of gratefulness to God.

We enjoyed all the traditions of Thanksgiving this past weekend, and it was wonderful!

But is that it now? Wednesday is here, and we've all gone back to our own homes, and routines.  The turkey carcass has been picked clean, and even boiled for soup stock.  The housework, and our day-to day schedules welcome us back to "reality" as we normally know it.  Our thanks have been sung through songs at church, shared in a family circle, and prayed to God.  So, we've given thanks.... check.

Do we want God to think of and provide for us one day a year?  Everyday, in so many ways God gives, provides, blesses, forgives, and loves beyond what we deserve. 
" everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18  
Does my heart overflow with gratitude?  Honestly, often times, no.   Am I thankful for all things?  Do I stop to realize every little thing; the clean water that I drink, that comes flowing at the twist of a tap, the health care that I receive, the freedoms I enjoy, the opportunity to breathe in clean air, to see, to taste, to touch.  Even the struggles, losses, and hard stuff in my life.....  Can I be thankful for them?  I ought to be, His Word says it's His will for me, and He always uses all things for His good purposes (Romans 8:28,29).  Do I truly cherish who God is, how He gave His life for mine that I may know His grace, forgiveness, to be free from the punishment my sin deserves, and to have eternal life instead of an eternal hell when my life on earth is over?  What love, what sacrifice.  Words, songs, prayers will never be able to express properly the thanksgiving God deserves.  

I sincerely want to be more thankful.  I don't think any one of us would say we are grateful enough.  So, I pray that God would give me a heart of honest thanksgiving.  I will memorize and review Bible passages that point my heart to praise Him, to worship my Creator, Provider, Gracious God and Father.  When I am feeling like grumbling I will mentally list blessings, I will sing a song that honors God when I wish I had a different life, or more of this or that.  He has given me more than enough, His grace alone is more than I deserve.

Thank You God, from the bottom of my heart, I thank You; for Jesus who has saved me, for Your Spirit who guides me, for the daily provisions You give of food, health, shelter, clothing, for my best friend and husband to enjoy life with, to learn from and beside, for my parents, brothers and extended family-for all they've taught me, for the memories, and love we share for one another.  Lord, for your daily grace in my life.  I thank You.  Lord I want to express more appreciation this year, for You, for the blessings You give day in and day out, there is sooo much to be grateful for.  I thank You!      

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Homemade with Love

    Is it just me or is something more special when it's homemade?  Pies for example.... a homemade one versus one bought from the store?  No question, homemade hands down.  I feel the same about greeting cards, homemade salsa and garden produce versus the grocery store.
    Maybe that comes from my upbringing?  I grew up with a garden in our back yard, a coop full of chickens, and with a crafty Mama who taught me how to make gifts, homemade preserves, hem my own jeans, sew on buttons and more.  Now I find pleasure in sending a homemade greeting card, and enjoy the sweetness of opening a can of my Mama's peaches over a can of store bought ones any day.  I find in the Fall I really cherish the homespun life for some reason.  Perhaps it's the harvest season, or Thanksgiving coming up that get's me in the mood, or the cooler weather... I like to create, to share, and give away homemade things; here are a few things around our home that have been homemade lately.

    Any and all human creativity pales in comparison to the creative handiwork of God who created the world by speaking all that we see into existence (Genesis 1).  It's humbling and incredible to realize we are each individually designed by the Creator God, made specifically by Him with a plan in mind.  We read in Ephesians 2:10; "For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."  Wow!  This verse is so inspiring, to know that God has made us to accomplish a certain purpose of His own making is so incredible.  He can use me?  With all my flaws and sinful struggles?  Yes, yes He can.  He gave me my mind, my background, my experiences and skill set to do certain tasks He has lined up for me.  So cool!  I pray that I will be obedient, willing and daily walking in His truth so that I will be able to accomplish those good works He has in store for me through Him and for Him.
   Today that looks like sharing our home, rolling meatballs and making a homemade meal to share with students, to be a blessing, to serve the Lord.  As I type this song came on the radio in the background....  And it truly fits into where this post is going....

You and I have been "Homemade with Love" by a God who gave His Son to give redeem our lives, to give us purpose, peace and meaning so that we can go about doing "Homemade with Love" acts of good to show His love; to show Him through our lives.      


Friday 2 August 2013

Birds of a Feather...

...flock together.  Today, driving into town I saw a few flocks of birds along our country road.  One all perched in a line along a telephone wire (perhaps the "gossip flock"? :)), another enjoying lunch in a big cherry tree, and on the way home, a whole bunch of birds were playing chicken, waiting in the middle of the road for their steel, wheeled competition to get as close as possible before they lifted off.  So of course I sped up, and they all took to the skies, flapping in unison. 

Birds are like that, they stick with their own kind, and travel together.  I'm sure there's many benefits; companionship, learning to sing your tune from the elders of the flock, the downdraft when flying behind others, and more eyes to look out for a berry bush, or backyard bird-feeder....  Ha, ha...

As people, we are made for community too.  There are so many benefits of sharing life with others.  As Christians, God calls us to flock/commune/share life.  This is His plan, through the fellowship of church.  The sense of community, Biblical teaching, public worship, and like-minded, faith based friendships are so important.

 "Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." Hebrews 10:23-25

These verses happen within the church.  We are so very blessed to be members at South End Fellowship Baptist Church. There, our pastors are genuine; we are challenged and encouraged by solid Biblical preaching each week by men of God that are sincere in their faith, and humble.  We gather together, singing songs of worship to God, contributing financially to see God's message of hope through Christ be taught in our community, and around the world through missions, and interacting with other believers-sharing our lives, our struggles, and rejoicing in good times together.  Serving others by getting involved, and using the gifts and talents God gives to glorify Him.  Christians belong in the church like birds belong in a flock.  We don't have to be a lone goose on the big lonely lake of day to day life.

 I have fond memories of church picnics, Sunday School, Christmas plays, and lots of potlucks, bridal and baby showers, lots of fun, fellowship, and lots of grounding in my faith at church throughout my life.  My Oma affectionately taught me a song when I was a kid, in her thick dutch accent, and using our hands to do actions we'd sing;

The church is not a building,
The church is not a steeple,
The church is not a resting place,
The church is the people.

I am the church,
You are the church,
We are the church together.
All around Jesus,
All around the world,
We are the church together.

If you know Jesus personally you are a part of the church.  Like a physical body part, you have a part to play in the Body of Christ, and to not participate is like leaving a finger or toe in bed at home....  It's just not complete.  Here in North America we are blessed to have the freedom to worship publicly.  I hope you are enjoying the family atmosphere and the spiritual enrichment of a local church near you this Sunday, worshiping, enjoying fellowship, glorifying God who designed the church in His wisdom, a gift to enjoy.   


Friday 26 July 2013

Our Home Sweet Home

We have the unique blessing of living right on the property of a very special place, Word of Life Fellowship Canada-Summer and Winter Camp, Bible Institute, and Headquarters Office.  As I type I can hear Jr. high cheering in enthusiasm as directions for a group game are being given by a Program guy, and techno music is pumping up the campers.  So fun!  I grew up coming here for Snow Camp, and one summer was a camper, and now.... We absolutely love living and serving here.

On any given day here throughout the summer we get to see; kids enjoying a cool ice cream cone from the Snack Shack, another zooming down the zip-line with a shreek of excitement, a counselor facing off with their camper in a game of carpet ball, others swimming in the pool, or an intense game of basketball between staff and campers.  Lots of exciting activity, new friendships made, and great memories of their time at camp.

More importantly though, this place is uniquely founded on and passionately purposeful in sharing the truths of Scripture.  Daily Bible sessions, cabin Quiet Time are part of the schedule, and opportunities to make personal spiritual decisions of faith, or commitment; that's what it's really all about.  That's what lasts for eternity.

This week, it was such a joy to our hearts to sit in the evening meeting Monday night as a previous camper who accepted Jesus personally here at camp, then summer staffer, BI student, and now the Camp Director and friend shared clearly our need as people for a Saviour.  He used the Bible to explain our sinful condition, (Romans 3:23) the incredible love and grace of God as Christ left heaven to be our payment for sin, and how we can be forgiven, and begin a relationship with the holy God of the universe by faith in Christ. (John 3:16)  Five campers indicated they chose to make this decision of faith, and were counseled one-on-one about their new found faith in Jesus.

These Jr. High teens came to camp without the hope and security that only a relationship with God can bring, and will be leaving completely changed.... from the inside out-knowing with certainty their sins are forgiven, and heaven will be their eternal home, equipped in His truth, and the power of the Holy Spirit to live differently-for God's glory rather than self.  It will not mean they will be faultless, or won't struggle, but they have the foundation they need, and a new nature (2 Corinthians 5:17) enabling them to live differently.

Just wanted to share with you the blessing we enjoy of seeing God at work in lives right here, in our "front yard".  May His truth continue to transform lives here, and around the world, as this and many camps present the Gospel message of Christ this summer.  Here's a camp video summing up one week of camp from this summer.  Awesome!!!

Friday 12 July 2013

In Loving Memory

Grandma Gwen Haviland 

Although Gwen's body was failing, her hope was still whole.
Although her eyes were slowly dimming her focus was sure.
 Although loved ones can't hold her she's being held by her Lord.
-by Mike Woods

Tuesday 18 June 2013

The Opportunities of Infertility

That seems like an oxymoron... I mean infertility is a lack of opportunity, isn't it?  It all depends how you look at it.  My husband and I fit into the category of "infertile" because I have endometriosis, a hormone, immune disease which effects fertility.  I'm not gonna lie, it's a difficult physical situation, causes pain, there isn't a sure cure, and the list of negatives could run on, and on in terms of not having kids.....  Or, you know what, it's also an opportunity, if I choose to see and treat it that way.

I have opportunities;
  • to show compassionate understanding for others who suffer with infertility, chronic pain, or other struggles
  • the freedom of our schedules and days to minister-sharing our home, being available in a different way, to encourage, to pray, to write, to invest in relationships at church, in our community, and where we work/live/do ministry
  • to learn about myself, contentment, and in my faith walk with Christ what it means to really find life, joy and peace in Him alone in a different context than others
  • we can live on less financially because there's two; mouths to feed, bodies to clothe...
Yes, I find it challenging not to be able to have a family, but you know what... it's okay with me.  This is God's will for us, we will accept it, love the kids he's surrounded us with, and rejoice.... because though I'm not a Mommy, I am His child, and sooo very blessed.

Jesus gave His life for mine, providing salvation for all who will believe in Him.  He suffered by leaving heaven, taking on the burden of all the sins of the world, enduring the Father turning His face from Him, and a cruel death of torture on the cross.  "For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God..." 1 Peter 3:18  He willingly endured losses like no other.  Knowing His sacrifice to offer us forgiveness and rescue us from eternal death, any challenge we face is still grace compared to the wrath, judgement and separation from God that we rightly deserve.
The Apostle Paul in  Philippians 4 wrote that he "...learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am."  Paul went through a lot of difficulty his lifetime, persecution, prison, division with his friends, ship wreck, more time in prison, and quiet possible was martyred for his faith... yet he had learned contentment.  He also wrote, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." in the same chapter.  He understood life was through Christ, and that suffering was a privilege for the cause of the gospel.  Because knowing Christ is an eternal hope, that can't be effected by our circumstances.   

In light of the examples of Christ, and Paul, and so much more God has to say in His Word about how we ought to view life and struggles, I can say that my life is complete because of Jesus.

God could still work in my body, and allow pregnancy, or we could adopt....perhaps. Who knows what the future holds?  Today, though... I'm going to love God, trust Him, run to His truth when I am overwhelmed with feelings of insufficiency as a woman who can't bear children.  I will review in my mind who Christ says I am, rejoice in the blessings He has given, and serve in whatever capacity He's given me for this day.  It changes day to day for me, as pain is part of my daily life, but it doesn't mean I can't pray, worship God, and keep on seeking to glorify Him, and share with others His goodness, and grace.

Whatever your challenge, your deficit, that dream you can't attain.... If you have Christ, you have life.  We show if we really believe that He is enough, and what we really value/worship in how we deal with loss, struggles, and pain.  

Links to check out related to this topic:  
Where Life is to be Found Paul Tripp Video 
5 Things Infertile Couples Want Friends, Families, and Churches to Know-Blog Post by Brian Nicholson

Sunday 16 June 2013


Wishing my father a Happy Father's Day!  When I think of my Dad there's lots of stories that flood my memory; watching Dukes of Hazard, Jays games, and Dad dozing off... cutting wood, washing cars, eating watermelon, and droppies (dutch black licorice, salty or sweet), snowmobiling, 4 wheeling, and family adventures for vacations from Canada's East to West Coasts, all in tent trailers, to the walk we shared down the aisle on our wedding day....  My Dad's not a big talker,  but he's a worker, an "I will find a way" kinda man.  Weather it was building a barn so we could have a hobby farm as kids, coming up with a cost effective way to heat our swimming pool, or pouring a cement foundation for a garage; he'd make a plan, and then make it happen.

Our home wasn't perfect, and we have our issues.  There is no perfect upbringing, but always much to be grateful for.  The three things I am most thankful about my father are what he taught (perhaps it's the teacher in him) about; faith, work, and independence.

Dad instructed me, and all of the family in truths of Scripture, and importance of a having and maintaining a personal faith relationship with Christ.  We moved a lot as a family growing up; no matter where Dad's work landed us, a top priority was finding a good church.  

I am also thankful that he taught me to work hard, to not give up, and to always do my best.  He showed this in his own work ethic, and expected it in us as kids; weather it was chores, school work, or employment.  Half-hear-ted wasn't an option.

As Nugteren children sometimes it felt a little like the school of hard-knocks, but looking back it was lessons in independence.  Weather it was saving up to buy something all on our own, or solving a problem, Dad gave us lots of opportunities to figure it out, make mistakes, and learn.  It meant we needed to; become resourceful, humble, realistic, and learn the value of money, hard-work, and determination.  I am thankful now, as an adult that things weren't easily handed our way, it really did teach me much.

Dad.... Daddio, I love you.  I thank you for your involvement in my life, and for what you have taught me.  I pray for us all as a family, as my brothers, your boys are fathering, and as you father grown kids, and grandfather little ones.  May God be glorified in the legacy that is yours.  

 "For this reason I bow my knees before the Father,  from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name,  that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man,  so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love,  may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth,  and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.  Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen." Ephesians 3:14-21

Friday 7 June 2013

No Rights to Question

What?  Why?  In a culture where rights and opinions are exalted, it seems unethical to suggest we shouldn't question anything or anyone.  After all, we are free thinkers, and deserve to, right? 

Well, when it comes to my faith in God there comes a place at which I have to stop striving for things to make sense to me, or be my view of just.  Who am I to question God?  If I have an issue with Him and what He's permitted then I am suggesting that I know better.  This mindset and attitude puts me on the throne of my heart, and dethrones the God of the universe.  Really, when you boil it down, that's what I'm doing.

In Scripture the book of Job is a powerful account of a man who lost it all physically speaking; his family, his livelihood, even his health was in jeopardy.  One day he had it all together, the next day, like a game of dominoes it all came crashing down.... You really see someone's character at these crucible moments of life.  What did Job do? Check out Job 1:20-22

"Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head, and he fell to the ground and worshiped.
He said,
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb,
And naked I shall return there.
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.”
Through all this Job did not sin nor did he blame God."
He felt the emotions of loss.  He demonstrated his mourning by ripping his clothes, shaving his head, and falling to the ground.  But in his heart; he worshiped.

Chapter 2-37 Job's friends come to help him, and with all kinds of questions and platitudes they attempt to give purpose and reason to Job's situation.  They question his heart; you must have sinned.  They rationalize; you must deserve God's judgment.  They challenge him; you must repent.  They conclude; you must be wicked.  Job's own wife urges him to curse God.  Helpful influences?  With friends and a wife like that..... Not all of what they had to say was wrong, or bad.  There were attempts to focus on the goodness of God, His justice and so on.  It's easy to criticize these friends of Job, but I've done it too,  pulled out my theological rational, and broken it all down into step-by-step how to deal with________....  I want life's situations to fit neatly into my box of categories of why things happen, and how to fix them. 

 All this time God as thoughts and conversations are had in the book of Job, He is patient, listening, waiting for His time to be consulted, to be heard.  Job's heart is distraught; he knows he's a just man, yet he feels injustice.  He wants to know why.  He defends himself to his friends, and asks God soul searching questions.  There is a battle for Job's mind, for his response.  He doesn't have the vantage point in this trial that we do reading it, or the full Word of God that we have now at that time in history.  We read that Satan has received permission from God to test Job (1:6-12, 2:1-8)   

"Satan wants every situation to be a temptation to doubt God and turn away from him.  But God wants it to be something that refines our faith and causes us to move toward God and to trust Him."  "Thankfulness: Even When it Hurts"-Susan Lutz

We face the same struggle in our day-to-day reality.  The magnitude of our situations vary, but the spiritual battle is still raging.  Satan whispers, "You don't deserve this, your God is not good..."  He lures us away from God's truth, and knows us well in how to present the temptation.  We are choosing constantly weather to entertain the thought, develop a sinful attitude, or refuse; and instead think and act according to truth as children of God.

 By the end of this Biblical account; he's defended himself before his friends, and comes to God to unburden his soul.  Job is then humbled when God reminds him who He is, and who he is in comparison (Chapter 38).

Job is confronted by God's omnipotence, and he is repentant.

“I know that You can do all things,
And that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted.
‘Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge?’
Therefore I have declared that which I did not understand,
Things too wonderful for me, which I did not know.”
‘Hear, now, and I will speak;
I will ask You, and You instruct me.’
“I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear;
But now my eye sees You;
Therefore I retract,
And I repent in dust and ashes.” Job 42:2-6

In a proper view of God we don't need to ask questions or come to a place of understanding, we need to have faith.  He has an all of time encompassing world-view, He has been gracious to give us His Son, and life eternal.  I don't deserve to know Him, let alone express anything less than praise to Him.

"We can only serve one God.  Whoever or whatever controls how we feel is ultimately our God.  If we do not allow God to tell us how to feel, we are not allowing Him to rule our lives, either."  Dr. M. Wicks
 Life is not about me, and my comfort.  Life is about Him, and His glory.  I don't claim to live without questioning God, I do.  Which brings me to repent often, to stop and submit to Him, to be in awe of His grace and to worship Him more, for His love, for His character.

The book of Job ends with justice, God confronts Job's friends, and deals with their incorrect theology, He replenishes Job's physical health and material wealth.  You and I may not have that resolution to our circumstances now or in this life before Christ returns, but we choose how to respond-and in choosing will glorify God or not.  

God's Word has been written so we can read this account, and learn from it. Though you and I are living in a different era, and the Bible will never hold our account, we get to choose how we respond to life, and influence those we rub shoulders with by how our theology intersects with life.

Lord, teach me not to question You; to have a proper view of You, and of myself.  Your grace towards me is more goodness than words can express.  I pray I will magnify your name through whatever this life brings, because I hold fast to You, Your promises and character.  Shape, and mold me through the trials, and teach this heart to focus on the eternal, and not get trapped by Satan's temptations.  For Your name to receive glory, only and ever.  Amen.       

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Guest Post: Abide

  This poem is written by a friend, and alumni of Word of Life Bible Institute, Laura Beth King.  Though we have not connected in person for some time her poetry shares her heart and desire to walk in God's truth.  I am sure these words will encourage you as she encouraged me.  With her permission I share with you.  Enjoy! 


I’m beat, I’m beat!
The thing has won.
I tried, I failed
I’m finished, I’m done!

My soul is weary
My strength is gone
It’s all too much
I can’t go on.

But wait, but wait -
What’s that I hear?
The voice of God
So calm and clear:

Abide in Me
He says with love
Keep the faith
And don’t give up

This thing you can’t
Do on your own
My strength to you
I will bestow

(written October 28, 2008)

Sunday 26 May 2013


It's a constant thing.....  it's part of life.  Gigantic, life-altering; (or seemingly so at the time), to the trivial, and all kinds of in-between types of change.  It's inevitable, nothing we interact with on this planet will ever be the same twice.... stuff gets older, scratched, and used.... they say as soon as you take a new car off the lot it's value depreciates by 20%.  Ouch!  But that's just a car....

My life has changed from what I've been used to quite a lot this year.... here's the "bomb" of this post..... and the "bomb" I am adjusting to; I am now on long-term disability.  As missionaries we have sent out letters, and contact has been made to our supporters, and family, so many people already know.  It's an adjustment I am coming to terms with.

I've been dealing with health issues for years, and years.... this news is not bad news, it is good.  It just doesn't necessarily feel good emotionally speaking I suppose.  Though it's also a kind of a "fresh breath of air" relief, the opportunity to take life a little slower, to see the same day-to day from a different angle, and have time to appreciate it, ponder it, and learn.  Physically speaking my body needs this, I cannot preform the tasks of my ministry role as Kitchen Manager any longer.  The ministry we serve with has been most gracious, and I've seen their care and support in a deeper way than ever before.

God has been faithful, we had no sweet clue at the end of 2012 that 2013 would take shape like it has.  God has preserved my life, given me daily grace to breathe, to know HIM, and through the pain and trial He's brought; Nathan and I have a deeper appreciation for what it means to belong to God.

We are beyond words grateful for how He takes care of us, and for where we are at in our lives physically (living on a Bible School campus and camp property where we can learn God's Word, interact with believers, and see His truth at work in lives), what a blessing.  So many people around this world suffer in so many ways for their faith.  I can't even imagine.  We are blessed, we have a home, access to health care, and all the books and medical research we could ever read (which at times needs to be in moderation so I don't get too paranoid/negative/overwhelmed/pessimistic/statistical about my endometroisis).     

We are more grateful than ever for the eternal truths that are unchanging.  No matter what my health does, no matter who runs into our car, if our stuff burns up or gets stolen, if we are in an accident and face permanent physical limitations or "worse"......  You just don't know.  Change is inevitable, nothing is reliable.  Accept for GOD and His truth.  So, running to, betting on, and being hopeful in Him, and His Word.... that's the only solace that offers lasting peace, and real contentment.

I have a choice about my condition, I can bemoan it and self-pity party all day long, or I can look at it from a different angle.  Like every coin has two sides, I can list and focus on the negative, or be positive, count the blessings, rejoice in Him, be realistic that sure I can't do that anymore.... but that doesn't mean I can't do anything.

There's much I can still do, and I am delighted to see what God has right here today in-front of me, and for our future. I am soooo very thankful He's with me, and in His grace He's teaching me more and more about Him, my sinful self, and just how awesome it is to mine His truth, and attempt to walk in it.

"May the God of hope fill you with joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that hope may overflow by the power of the Holy Spirit."  Romans 15:13

I tell you honestly from my heart, hope is in the person of Christ.  Life is too hard to face alone, and if you think life is hard.... there's eternity to come.  Where's your hope?  What's your rock through the changes of life?

David expresses in Psalm 62:1-3a, "Hear my cry, O God; Give heed to my prayer.  From the end of the earth I call to You when my heart is faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For You have been a refuge for me..."  

Through this change, and whatever else God calls me to face, accept, be content and rejoice about, I cling to my Jesus, my Rock, He is my hope, my joy, my song.  

Tuesday 21 May 2013

The splendor on display....

The beauty of Spring is a multi-dimensional experience; the chorus of birds' songs, the scent of flowers in bloom, and fresh cut grass, the breeze and sunshine hitting your skin.....  These pictures have been taken here in our beautiful corner of creation. Nate is teaching me more about photography.  We are enjoying sharing this hobby; and the results magnify the Creator God who made all things good.  Enjoy these shots, the Scriptures overlay-ed on them, and this song that so beautifully exalts the Maker of all earth's splendor.

Sunday 19 May 2013

Happy Happy Happy…

Birthday that is, to my husband, Nate!  :)  My high school date to the prom alternative (church youth event including dinner boat cruise on the Grand River, and entertainment by the Word of Life Impact Team in 1999) who showed up to our door with a corsage, and white rose that night, and later in the evening gave me a teddy bear too. 

Today, looking back, I think these gifts were more fitting that I even knew at the time.  Nate puts time into the right things (the wrist corsage-he took time to find out just what I would prefer).  Practically Nathan prioritizes; his faith, me, family time, serving others, working heard, and enjoying life too.  He could have just gotten that corsage; that would have been enough for the occasion, and for where we were at in our friendship at that point.  But not Nate…. He went above and beyond to show his feelings for me.

The rose…. Oh, the rose.  That gesture was ground work for a wonderful romance. When Nathan gave me a white rose on my parents’ door step he explained it represented purity in our friendship and wherever it went from there… Wowza!  I felt like a precious gem at that moment, cherished, considered, and honoured to be getting to know this man.  He showed me in action what he spoke in words that night as he treated me like a lady, and throughout our dating relationship guarded that purity.  Sure, we weren’t perfect, but his heart was to honour the Lord, and it showed.

Finally, that cuddly teddy bear… a surprise I was not expecting, Nate’s so great at everyday thoughtfulness in little gifts, making me coffee, calling from work to check on my day, and more. Truly, Nate is a leader I respect, and to him I willingly submit (want and try to anyway… still learning what this looks like in day to day situations).  He’s also a teddy bear at heart.  He’s gentle, he’s a great source of comfort to me, and boy does it ever feel like home in his arms.  He is slow to speak, and quick to forgive.  We learn through life, and we do struggle…. But at the end of the day we have vowed in our wedding vows to “not let the sun go down on our anger” and thus far by God’s grace we have kept that vow, and open relationship.  It’s meant some late nights, tears, and much forgiveness and grace.  But the tensions and conflicts are where we learn the most, and grow stronger together.

To you my jar opener, go-to tech guy, my brothers’ paintball buddy, my willing to run to the store man, my wild adventurer by hiking, waterfall exploring, geocaching, movie, 24 and Duck Dynasty viewing, and more…  my life partner, my best friend… I’d go big if I could…. I wish you a this Sunday, May 19th a celebration including a solo birthday song from me, thanking God who gave us life eternal, and each day with His grace, love and greetings from family and friends, the hope of the Penns in the playoffs (GO! Team), getting a sweet photography shot, burgers on the grill, a cupcake, a few surprises, and pwning on Xbox live.  :)  Hope it’s a sweet day for you!

Happy Birthday to you Nathan Gregory Earls-celebrating your life today, and enjoying the person you are.  There are many so proud of you, and there’s still much life yet to come.  Cheers! (tinkling of Jones’ with my Arizona Green Tea) to you Nate!  LOVE you more and more!               

Along the Way backround