Saturday 7 November 2015

Guest Post:"Fishing For Answers" by Katie

Here's a wonderful blog post written by a WOLBI Canada Alumnus, and sweet sister in Christ.   

Praying the Scriptures, her thoughts, and Biblical perspective, encourage you in your own set of circumstances to wait on the Lord.  

If you'd like to check out Katie's own blog, here's the link;



As a kid, my dad was a huge fan of fishing. Therefore from a young age, I was taught how to bait a hook and cast the line out. I grew to love the relaxing activity and sitting watching the still water, feeling the sway of the boat with the current, while spending time with my father and soaking up the sun. But shortly after we got out on the water my heart grew impatient, I attempted to reel in my line many times without exercising patience and giving a chance to allow my bait to attract the fish I longed to catch.
As I got older and learned more, I finally started to realize that the type of bait I had been using was specifically designed to sit in the water and move along with the current, to catch the eye of the fish below the surface. When I was younger, I did not understand why my dad urged me to be patient and wait for that tug on the line. But looking back, I understand and I can see why it was wise for me to heed my Dad’s advice to wait and be patient. Although at the time it seemed foolish, as I grew older I learned  and grew, and a small thing like fishing taught me about patience and now I can say that I learned how to properly handle the specific bait that my Dad had given me.
Thinking about my fishing experiences I was reminded of my impatient heart in life. I so anxiously want to be in control of all facets of my life and receive the answers I am looking for now. I am constantly tempted to look at the things that are stirring in my heart and question God and have an attitude of discontentment and impatience, reflecting my heart lacking a trust in God and selfishness. Sometimes there are trials I face that I do not understand, and there are questions I have about where I should go and what I should do in life. My heart is constantly impatient and I want to have the answers, and be control of all the details and facets of my life.
But tied with my lack of understanding and answers, is the amazing truth that our heavenly father has the answers we are searching for. Like my dad constantly urging me and guiding me to be patient and trust his words. I can trust him knowing that he knows the reason and purpose for the long and mundane process of fishing. God knows the long and troublesome process of the trials of our life. God is constantly reminding me, that we are all called to trust in him and be patient. His word tells us in Psalms 37:7 “be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him.” (ESV) For he knows all the things that are going on in my heart and he also knows the purpose for it, and in the end, I will learn and grow more and God will shape me more into the image of Christ through it. Philippians 4:6-7 encourages us “do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your mind in Christ Jesus.” (NIV). We can be encouraged that God says we do not need to be anxious about anything, and that we are able to turn to him with any and everything, but note we need to recognize and be thankful for all the Lord is doing and has done. And he promises peace, why? Not because of our circumstances changing because we are learning to trust what the Lord has said.


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