Wednesday 27 February 2013


We all do.... we represent whether we realize it or not.  We are proud people; proud of our country, our heritage, proud of our skills, physique, proud fans of this team, or that show, of our accomplishments, our family, our education, position, income, car, the list goes on and on.....  Our values, our priorities..... they are known more by our lifestyle choices then they are by what we say they are.  What's important to us can be seen in how we spend our lives;

Where does my time go?
Where does my money go?
Who's on my mind first thing when I awake in the morning?  Last at night?
 Do I spend more time content or comparing?  Searching for more or grateful for what I have?

 Time is passing, and life is short.... it's good to do a diagnostic every once and while and see if where we want to go is where we are actually headed.  See, we don't get somewhere by setting it and then forgetting it..... Like traveling; you have to be intentional.  For Nate and I we are GPS people all the way.  Punch in the address, and hit "Go!"  Sweet.  We can see the map ahead, and  the estimated time of arrival... and then we go back in the house and turn on the TV?  Well, no.  We put the key in the ignition, stop for gas as needed, factor in traffic, weather, rest stops, etc....  We get moving, in order to get where you want to go, you have to... MOVE!  Daily, you and I are on the move..... heading somewhere in life, with small choices we make all day, everyday.  Plans, savings accounts, applications, journals, wishlists, and Pinterest accounts.... What do your wishes/goals/desires say about what you value?  All good things?  By who's standard? That's up to you to decide..... None of the best laid plans take place without effort.  And what happens when your plans FLOP??!?!

My plans have flopped more than come to fruition lately..... a whole lot more flops.... so then what?  Again, we have choices to make.  We can excuse our reaction; "Well, this sucks!" "If they ______, then I'll ______." and there are sooo many versions of the blame game.....  It's easy to pass the buck, and sometimes it may even feel justified.... but, most of the times it's not.  I need to take responsibility for me.  This is how I will grow and mature and learn for next time, avoiding a repeat of the same or worse scenario down the road.      

God in His infinite wisdom has much to say about spending life.  A paraphrase of James 4:14-15 from The Message says;

"And now I have a word for you who brashly announce, “Today—at the latest, tomorrow—we’re off to such and such a city for the year. We’re going to start a business and make a lot of money.” You don’t know the first thing about tomorrow. You’re nothing but a wisp of fog, catching a brief bit of sun before disappearing. Instead, make it a habit to say, “If the Master wills it and we’re still alive, we’ll do this or that.”

Oh... Hello!  That stings like a 2X4 up side my head... maybe that's just what I need sometimes.  God in His love speaks truth, and this is true.  

So I am asking myself more often; Karen.....

Where does my time go?
Where does my money go?
Who's on my mind first thing when I awake in the morning?  Last at night?
Do I spend more time content or comparing?  Searching for more or grateful for what I have?

A wise man said this; "Only one life will soon be past; only what's done for Christ will last."  (Jack Wyrtzen)

And so I pray; "Lord, please help me measure my days in wisdom, invest in your work, build into your economy, and use this body, mind and heart to give You glory.  It's so easy to get distracted by the shiny, new things this world offers, but God help me to be focused on the unseen, the eternal, the lasting.  Your WORD and  the souls of people are all that will go on after my life on earth is done.  Heaven is coming, that will be the ultimate vacation.... So Lord, help me to enjoy the work you give me, and serve faithfully here and now, enjoying the abundant life you have blessed me with...."

And I end that prayer with "........" because I know I need to keep on praying, I am so easily derailed from what matters, I sin, get selfish, impatient.... I need to stay connected through ongoing conversation with my God, the Most High to be in step with His will, rejoicing in His good, and keeping my focus on the eternal.  


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