Wednesday 3 April 2013

Boys Will Be Boys

And is this a problem?  Boys will also grow to be men, girls to be women....... A friend's facebook status recently read; "My Random Reality: On the way out the door this morning, Adelaine was playing tic-tac-toe with herself, and Ethan was sitting in a chair cheering for X. "Go X! Go X!" (Troy Johnstone)

At a cellular level men and women are designed differently, you can debate it if you want to but the chromosomes still say "X" or "Y".  Male, or female.    

Here's a clip of an old school show I grew up watching, (part of the inspiration to this blog post and the title of it)..... 

God made us with genders, and He tells us there are roles for each.  This is good, this is helpful, this is wisdom. We only make knowledge wisdom when we do it.  We can know much, but it's only theory till it's lifestyle.  Like learning an instrument.  In school, music theory was such an annoyance to me.  Oh, but put the instrument in my hand, and then it's fun, right?  Well, you've got to understand the principle to make the music.  God, the Creator has given principles, and in life we are all carrying a tune.  We teach others our tune whether we acknowledge we are doing so or not.  We are exampling, teaching, leading..... just because we are living and breathing.  It's life.  So, the boys and girls and all people at any age that see, interact and get taught by us are learning by our lifestyle.

I was taught by a Pastor growing up that real JOY was accomplished by applying this acrostic in order;

                         1.   Jesus
                         2.     Others
                         3.       Yourself

So if putting others first and leaving a legacy are God's design, then what am I passing on?  2 Timothy 2 is a legacy passage to be sure, as is Titus 2.  Reading these passages there are lots of characteristics God calls us to exemplify.  I challenge you to check out these chapters, and  in your own way be intentional about germinating and nurturing these traits, and then they will pass on to others.

I am thankful for the boys, and the girls I grew up around.  In my own experience, it was more boys than girls.  I have four brothers; army reenactments, fire, pets, cars, sports, guns, injuries, sweat, 4X4's, forts, fights, snowmobiles, livestock, mud, and hospital visits were normal at our house(s) (we moved a # of times).   I did have my own pink retreat known as my room, but often times I was the thorn among the roses as they saying goes...... just as participatory, and guilty, for sure. Imagination, fun and adventure were also experienced everyday; as were sin, lessons learned, grace and forgiveness.

Okay, so there's boys and girls, men and women, and we are different, genetically, hormonally, and it's good, cause God made it that way.  So, then I think it's good to know these things, enough about what makes us each tick (gender wise) and show honor and respect to each other in the light of these truths.  This post will lead me into the next..... but that's for another day.  Today is my eldest brother's Birthday.  Happy Birthday Chris!  I love you, I am so glad we have childhood memories, and more recent ones to.  To you, and all my brothers physical by blood and to all others, by us all being human I desire to......

 "Let love of the brethren continue."  (Hebrews 13:1)

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