Monday 1 April 2013


Life is about relationships.  "No man is an island."  (John Donne)  God made us that way.  Born of relationship, connected to others by blood, marriage, interests, work or the seat number given to you on a plane or at a sports event..... We are relational whether we like it or not.  If you think for a moment the number of people you actually interact with daily it may surprise you, throw in social media and the world gets really small, really fast.  Cool?  Is it?  Or is it annoying, frustrating and draining?  Well, that depends on the quality of relationships, and how you nurture them or choose not to.  This morning on a local radio station I heard a quote and put it in chalk on our "chable" (coffee table w/chalk board top) to reflect on, consider and seek to live out......

Powerful, huh?  Is reconciliation that important?  Is this just words to me?  Well..... I began to ask myself some motive questions to decide if this is a truth I desire to live;

Is there anyone I avoid?  Why?

Have I harboured bitterness against anyone?

Do I treat all people the way they ought to be? (love, respect, unbiased, non-judgmental, not seeking their approval......)

Do I seek to be sensitive about the situations/emotions of others when and how I interact with them?

 Reconciliation is a two way street.  For sure, but is my side plowed/welcoming/open/willing?  Have I sought forgiveness?  Have I forgiven?  Do I act/speak/treat/think of others in truth?  If not, why not?  BUT......  My mind can whir with reasons why I shouldn't have to....  But God has extended GRACE unmerited to me.  What right do I have to not?  If He can love, forgive, forget and restore me time and again..... He says,

" If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all." Romans 12:18 ESV
 Tall order?  He showed us how in the person of Christ.  Can we?  Yes, He promises the resources when He gives the command.  May I pray, rely on God, and seek to honour Him in all my relationships.


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