Monday 22 April 2013

Dye it? Diet? Die Id? Die?

Lots of possibilities when it comes to a title like that huh?  Where's she going with this one?  Well, read on.... I'll tie 'em all together.... Let's being with the dyeing. 

I added some highlights to my hair last week, and I like the results.  Kinda cool, not a full dye, just a little bit of sprucing it up, for fun.  Went to church yesterday, and in Sunday School we've been learning about God's attributes, and our Pastor used this verse to illustrate the vast knowledge God has of us;

"But even the hairs of your head are all numbered."  Matthew 10:29

God knows.  Even when a fist full ends up in the drain.  He knows my natural colour, He knows Me more intimately than I know myself.  What comfort, what security.  Amazing GOD.

I'm also working a little harder on the diet and exercise these days.  Taking in a little more fruits and veggies, and with the warmer weather it inspires getting out, enjoying movement, and having fun.  :)  This weekend I enjoyed making memories and getting out with some friends while Nate had to work, it was a blessing.  Here's a few snapshots....

These are good things, and meant to be enjoyed.  Nothing like the thrill of hopping high on the trampoline, or the fun of diving deep.  We barbequed at home this weekend too.... Aaahhh, enjoying a good meal.   The smells, tastes, textures of food, and off the BBQ to boot?  I'm in.  God talks about these too.....

"This also, I saw, is from the hand of God,  for apart from Him who can eat or who can have enjoyment?"  Ecclesiastes 2:25

Okay, hair dye, physical diet.... you follow me?  What's "Die Id?" about then?  Well, "id" is a psychology term.  Psychology looks at people through a certain lenses/framework of thinking, and then attempts to help people solve issues and deal with life.  I don't agree with this approach.  I prescribe that "id" dies.  Psychology is not God's framework for seeing people or offering change for them.  Instead, we need God.  He knows best, and His ways are sooo much superior.  In Him I find joy in my soul, peace through struggles, and hope to continue.  On Pinterest, I found this sweet graphic art of a verse I cling to.  

 The book of Job is so encouraging, he lost all his earthly goods, and suffered through great loss.  Yet, he knew God was there.  Sure, he questioned; don't we all?  I know no matter what twists and turns or heartaches come....  God is sovereign; and in this I rest.

The last "Die" in the title refers to dying to my way, and living life God's way.

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me."  Galatians 2:20

So go ahead, dye it, and diet, your way.... Live and enjoy.  But be sure you consider where God belongs in your life, in your everyday.  Please don't swallow up lies about "id", or any other deceptive beliefs, they are flawed, and dangerous.  God knows best.  He calls us to die, but in the very best way possible.  Die to ourselves, our sin, and come to new life in Him.  The life He offers is truly living, a forever freedom.  Seek Him.  Know Him.  He is what we need above all else.      

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